Home » Come on Italy, subscribers are collapsing. And two out of three parliamentarians are in default

Come on Italy, subscribers are collapsing. And two out of three parliamentarians are in default

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Come on Italy, subscribers are collapsing.  And two out of three parliamentarians are in default

Forza Italia, the outburst of Alessandro Cattaneo: “What are you doing, are you hunting me?”. Photo Lapresse

Two out of three Forza Italia parliamentarians are in default: crisis on members

Silvio Berlusconi is better, but Forza Italia is not feeling very well. As Repubblica points out, “the pollsters clearly say that the consensus of no other party, more than Forza Italia, is linked to that of its leader. This is why the 45 days of hospitalization of the former were a nightmare for the blue community premier. Yet the elected officials find it very difficult to return the favor, even if only partially, by paying the contribution foreseen by the regulation: or 900 euros per month, plus the one-off fixed for the election (10,000 for those who ran with the single-member, 30,000 for those who were in the multi-nominal)”.

According to Repubblica, therefore, “only 37 out of 62 MPs in 2023 paid the fee. Four out of six, almost half, are in default”. And according to the newspaper directed by Maurizio Molinari “there are no shortage of big names in the list of defaulters, updated to the first days of April: among them, for example, there is the president of deputies Paolo Barelli, the vice president of senators Adriano Paroli, the group leader Roberto Pella in the Budget Commission. Even if Barelli says that there is an error: “Me in default? It’s not true, there must have been a problem in registering the payment””.

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And it is also difficult to attract new subscribers. “The fact is that no one in the party is ready for a post-Berlusconi no one knows – for example – if and how the Knight will be able to participate in the next electoral campaigns, starting with the Europeans”, underlines Repubblica. The condition of uncertainty therefore seems destined to continue.

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