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Companies to candidates: working for competitiveness

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Companies to candidates: working for competitiveness

How do you attract investment from abroad? What infrastructures do you think are priorities? Will young people find a place in your junta? Is 2035 a reasonable date to say goodbye to internal combustion engines?

These are some of the issues raised by Lombard companies to the candidates for leadership of the Region, in a meeting that saw the participation of the heads of the local associations of Confindustria Lombardia and numerous individual entrepreneurs. Sequence that in successive moments saw Pierfrancesco Majorino, Attilio Fontana and Letizia Moratti discuss the requests and issues that are close to the heart of regional manufacturing, in view of the vote on 12 and 13 February.

Requests enucleated in a document of more than 60 pages which materialize in four areas starting from a basic assumption: that the solidity of the production system is a basic precondition for development, employment and social cohesion. Manufacturing competitiveness to be achieved at several levels: that of the context (in terms of safety, simplification, environment), of the supply chains (infrastructure, increased autonomy) and of the single company (process and product innovation, innovation on organizational aspects, digitization , internationalization). A second key area, in the light of the radical changes that have taken place, concerns work, with the hope of adapting knowledge and skills by focusing on continuous training and generally strengthening people’s employability, with an even stronger focus on women.

These are activities that the Region should carry out for businesses, however by inserting a more systematic working method and modifying its own modus operandi, trying to align with the methods used in businesses.

Therefore identifying a small number of issues on which to intervene by concentrating resources, coordinating activities more effectively also through the creation of a single Department of Development in possession of the key powers of impact on companies, finally evaluating the effectiveness of the actions adopted in a structured political moment in which to compare the “pre” and the “post”: therefore the data and the challenges proposed at the start and the scenario that was obtained as a result of the interventions carried out. The fourth area of ​​action is that of differentiated autonomy, with the hope of achieving greater efficiency as a result of wider administrative and organizational powers, in compliance with the principle of national unity.

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