Home » Congratulations Carsten Linnemann, congratulations CDU. But alarm nonetheless.

Congratulations Carsten Linnemann, congratulations CDU. But alarm nonetheless.

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Congratulations Carsten Linnemann, congratulations CDU.  But alarm nonetheless.

(Image source: @ Pixabay)

The Association of Self-Employed Germany welcomes the appointment of Carsten Linnemann as the new CDU General Secretary. “We have come to know and appreciate Carsten Linnemann as a no-nonsense and competent fighter for the interests of the economy and in particular of medium-sized companies,” said the Secretary General of the Association of Self-employed Germany, Andreas Keck. “Now, of course, we would like the CDU to focus much more on our issues.” Germany as a business location is also at great risk from the point of view of medium-sized companies. The reasons for this are sprawling bureaucracy with increasing burdens on companies, a tax burden that is far too high and complex by international comparison, the immense shortage of skilled workers and, last but not least, the extremely high energy costs. “Many of our member companies are not only thinking about relocating production abroad, but are already investing in more attractive locations.” Keck continues. “These alarm signals must finally be taken up in politics and translated into political action. That’s why we’re happy about Carsten Linnemann in his new position, but we’re still sounding the alarm.”

“Small and medium-sized businesses need relief, they need room to breathe and they need to be able to make more investments again. But that can only happen if there is a stable economic basis, which politics must create. Further “bureaucracy monsters” must be avoided,” says Liliana Gatterer, President of the Federation of Self-employed Rhineland-Palatinate & Saarland eV

Image source: @ Pixabay

Association of the self-employed | We do.

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Many thousands of small and medium-sized companies are organized in regional and national business associations. The central task of the BDS Germany is the national and European political representation of the interests of all companies organized here, such as: Association of Self-Employed / German Trade Association eV Landesverband Hamburg | Federation of Self-Employed / German Trade Association eV Landesverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Federation of Independent State Associations of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland eV | Association of Self-employed / German Trade Association eV State Association of Saxony | Federation of Independent State Association Schleswig-Holstein eV | mib – Mittelstand in Bayern association of self-employed and medium-sized entrepreneurs eV | Federation of Self-employed and Freelancers State Association Berlin / Brandenburg eV | Association of Self-employed / German Trade Association State Association of Saxony-Anhalt eV | Association of Self-employed – Trade Association Thuringia eV | German Mittelstand eV

company contact
Association of self-employed Germany eV
Liliana Gatterer
At Weidendamm 1A
10117 Berlin

Press contact
Association of self-employed Germany eV
Alexander Gehres
At Weidendamm 1A
10117 Berlin

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