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De Masi: “Schlein? Light years away from Berlinguer. Prairies for Conte and the 5s”

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De Masi: “Schlein? Light years away from Berlinguer. Prairies for Conte and the 5s”

De Masi: “Schlein a Bolshevik? But okay. Optical effect, he’s not much leftist”

On the election of slime come new secretary of the Pd the sociologist also intervenes Dominic DeMasiconsidered one of thinkers closer to M5swhich he admits to voted for her. “The election to the top of the dem – explains Domenico De Masi to the Fatto Quotidiano – it wasn’t just about subscribers to this party but all Democrats Of left. And since the Democratic Party allowed all citizens to vote, all citizens of the left should have gone to vote for at least two reasons: because, thanks to their consent, more could be made cohesive and incisive the political action of the entire progressive people and why, thank you to open mindedness of the Democratic Party, vote in the primaries it did not involve joining the Democratic Party. The big one manifestation anti-fascist of Firenze it was the most significant political act that the left has managed to organize jointly in recent years. The public dialogue between Conte, Landini, Fratoianni and the slime they would have been possible if they had been at the head of the Democratic Party Read o Bonaccini?”.

De Masi analyzes the political profile of the winner. “Elly – continues De Masi to Fatto – is moderately Labourjust just of left, light years away from what he said Berlinguer, in order to understand each other. The optical effect that makes it almost one bolshevik it is given by the previous stay-at-home and neoliberal of that party. Having had Enrico Read a idolatrare the Draghi agenda and narrowly dodged the conservator Bonaccinisuggests the new secretary, adopted daughter of Gramsci. Optic effect, precisely. But she must change a lot and very soon and must find suitable people to install immediately and train at the same time new leadership cadres. Conte there is one prairie in front of him. Must always remember that we are in Italy 10 million Between poor absolute and almost poor. Most of them don’t vote, wait for someone to represent them. If I were asked I would tell him to be very calm indeed of move further to the left“.

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