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Death Purgatori: “Numerous brain metastases? Incredible mistakes about dad”

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Death Purgatori: “Numerous brain metastases? Incredible mistakes about dad”

Death Purgatori, the children: “Very serious consequences that led to rapid physical decline”

Andrea purgatory he could have been saved, according to the expert opinion on the causes of his death “a simple antibiotic would have been enough“. The children of the La7 journalist who died on 19 July 2023 are incredulous and embittered. The initial diagnosis in May 2023 of numerous brain metastases era errata as was clear from the autopsy carried out on our father’s body” – say the family and reported by Il Corriere della Sera – citing those doctors who are today under accusation by the prosecutors. In essence, after the family’s complaint, the Prosecutor’s Office has registered in the register of four suspects names of as many medici of the Villa Margherita team, that is – writes Il Corriere – professor Gianfranco Gualdi, his collaborator Claudio Di Biasi, his colleague Maria Chiara Colaiacomo, the cardiologist Guido Laudani.

Edoardo, Ludovico and Victoria they just don’t understand how they were mistake ischemia for brain metastasesand there is no explanation as to why expert radiologists could have made such an error”. The reference – continues Il Corriere – is to the content of the advice given to the public prosecutor. The point, they say, is that that error had “very serious consequenceshaving led to immediate and important radiotherapy treatments on the whole brain at the maximum power and intensityfollowing which a rapid physical decline of our father“.

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