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Deaths at work, worker falls from wind turbine in the Trapani area

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Deaths at work, worker falls from wind turbine in the Trapani area

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Another victim at work in Sicily. A 33-year-old worker, Giovanni Carpinelli, 33, from Benevento died in Salemi (Trapani) after falling from a wind turbine. A leap of almost 50 meters into the void which also made it difficult for the firefighters to recover the body. Yet another workplace accident in Sicily, after the Casteldaccia tragedy, provokes indignation and reactions from trade unions regarding the lack of safety measures. And also in this case, as in Casteldaccia, it concerns the worker of a company that was carrying out subcontracted work.

Meanwhile, the funerals of three of the five workers who died last Monday while carrying out maintenance and sewer clearing work in Casteldaccia were celebrated today. The first funeral ceremony, that for Ignazio Giordano, 57 years old, took place in the mother church of Partinico (Palermo). Ā«Death is part of the experience of earthly life, but this does not console us: the way in which Ignazio left those closest to him, the way in which he lost his life, is profoundly unfair. Dying at work is a worrying sign that speaks of a fragile society, in which there is no work for everyone and when there is, it is often not dignified, it is underpaid, it is not respectful of human dignityā€, he said in his homily. the archbishop of Monreale, Gualtiero Isacchi.

An hour later, a few kilometers away, still agony and pain in the mother church of Alcamo (Trapani) packed with faithful for the last farewell to Epifanio Alsazia, the partner and co-owner of the Quadrifoglio Group. The first to descend into the plant and the first to find death. A great worker, someone who never left the workers despite his 71 years, underlined relatives and friends of the entrepreneur. Don Enzo Santoro, parish priest of the Sacred Heart church, in the neighborhood where the Alsazia family lives, celebrated the funeral. The highest provincial and regional leaders of the Army were present at the funeral; the victimā€™s son is in fact a carabiniere serving the Partinico company.

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Finally, in the afternoon, two neighboring municipalities of San Cipirello and San Giuseppe Jato, in the Palermo area, rallied around the family of Giuseppe Miraglia, the 47-year-old worker. Ā«Bye Giuseppe, byeĀ» was the shout that pierced the silence outside the mother church of San Cipirello. After the scream, there was much applause as friends and relatives carried the coffin out of the church. The archbishop of Monreale Gualtiero Isacchi celebrated the ceremony, together with Don Giuseppe Billeci and Don Antonio Caruso. The mayors of all the towns where the funeral took place declared public mourning.

On Monday, however, there will be city mourning in all the municipalities of the metropolitan city of Palermo. It was arranged by the metropolitan mayor Roberto Lagalla, who invited the high schools of the Palermo area to promote moments of reflection and study on the topic of safety at work. The Presidency of the Region will cover the funeral expenses of all five dead workers. The funeral of Giuseppe La Barbera, 28 years old, the youngest victim, a temporary worker at Amap, will be held on Monday morning in the Carmine Maggiore church in Palermo. In the afternoon, the funeral of the fifth worker, Roberto Ranieri, 51 years old, will also be celebrated in Alcamo in the Anime Sante church.

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