Home » Deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and bear fruit

Deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and bear fruit

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[Original title]Deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and bear fruit, “Made in Guangxi” and “Guangxi technology” continue to break through a batch of Guangxi “high-precision and cutting-edge” and move towards international leadership

■A group of autonomous region-level investment and financing platform companies and industrial groups have become the main investment and construction entities in the infrastructure construction of railways, expressways, airports, ports, etc., and have become the main players in the development of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, the construction of new land-sea corridors in the west, and the construction of major public welfare The main force to realize the strategic intentions of the autonomous region party committee and government

■ Last year, the operating income of 11 enterprises exceeded 100 billion yuan, and 6 enterprises entered the top 500 Chinese enterprises. China Guangtou Investment Group became the first local state-owned enterprise in our district to rank among the top 500 in the world.

■ Yuchai National VI engine, South-South aluminum processing aerospace high-end aluminum alloy, Yufeng special cement, Liugong Ouweimu prestress technology, Beitou Road and Bridge Group large-span arch bridge design and construction technology, etc. “Made in Guangxi” “Guangxi Technology” is in an international leading position

On June 11, the reporter learned from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Autonomous Region that in recent years, our region has comprehensively deepened the reform of state-owned enterprises around the theme of high-quality development. A group of high, precise and cutting-edge “Made in Guangxi” and “Guangxi technology” such as Wim prestress technology have reached the international leading level.

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Our district has successively reformed and established a number of autonomous region-level investment and financing platform companies and industrial groups in the fields of investment and construction, construction, transportation, finance, tourism, and culture. These large enterprises and conglomerates have become the main body of investment and construction in infrastructure construction such as railways, highways, airports, and ports; they have become the strategic intentions of the autonomous region’s party committee and government in areas such as the development of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, the construction of new land-sea passages in the west, and the construction of major public welfare. The main force.

We will vigorously support the reform of traditional advantageous enterprises in construction, steel, aluminum, electric power, construction machinery, and automobiles, and continuously increase the industrial concentration of state-owned enterprises by speeding up strategic reorganization, introducing strategic investors, and optimizing and integrating internal and external resources. Last year, the operating income of 11 companies including Guangzhou Investment Group and Liugang Group exceeded 100 billion yuan. Six companies including Guangzhou Investment Group, Beibu Gulf Port Group, Liugang Group, Communications Investment Group, Beitou Group, and Yuchai Group entered Chinese companies. For the top 500, Guangtou Group became the first local state-owned enterprise in our district to be among the top 500 in the world.

With the continuous deepening of reforms, the state-owned economic strength of our district has achieved a substantial increase. The total assets of state-owned enterprises in the SASAC system in the region increased from 2 trillion yuan in 2015 to 3.98 trillion yuan last year; operating income increased from 497.9 billion yuan to 772.5 billion yuan; total profits increased from 15.5 billion yuan to 23.5 billion yuan. According to the data reported by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, from January to December last year, the growth rate of the main economic indicators of the state-owned enterprises supervised by the SASAC of the autonomous region ranked in the forefront of the provincial-level SASAC system, with total assets, operating income, total profits, and gross labor production. The growth rate of these indicators ranks 6th, 5th, 6th, and 8th respectively.

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After the tempering of market competition and the baptism of comprehensive deepening of reforms, a group of state-owned backbone enterprises with strong comprehensive strength in our district have worked hard in deepening reforms, and effectively shouldered the important mission of major infrastructure construction and industrial upgrading in our district, and became the economy The pillar of social development. Liugong Group, Yuchai Group, Beibu Gulf Port Group and other enterprises have become the vanguard of state-owned enterprises in “going out” to implement international operations; Yuchai National Sixth Engine, Nannan Aluminum Processing Aerospace High-end Aluminum Alloy, Yufeng Special Cement, Liuzhou “Made in Guangxi” and “Guangxi technology” such as Gongouweimu’s prestressing technology, Beitou Road & Bridge Group’s long-span arch bridge design and construction technology are all in an internationally leading position. (Reporter/Correspondent Wu Jiayue/Lin Kai)

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