Home » Deputies salary, Schlein heavily unloads the old caryatid Fassino

Deputies salary, Schlein heavily unloads the old caryatid Fassino

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Deputies salary, Schlein heavily unloads the old caryatid Fassino

Pd, Schlein unloads the old caryatid: “Fassino spoke in a personal capacity”

slime download Fassino. Yesterday, Wednesday 2 August, Piero Fassinoexponent of Pd, was overwhelmed by the storm after having stumbled into a speech on the “fair” salary of deputies. “The allowance that each deputy receives each month from Camera is 4,718 euros per month. It is certainly a good indemnity, but it is certainly not a golden salary”, these are the words that sparked the controversy.

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And it didn’t take long before the Pd secretary herself, Elly Schleinintervened on what happened, issuing the following statements reported by SkyTg24: “Fassino spoke in a personal capacity, in disagreement with the vote of Pd. We continue to fight for the minimum salary”.

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And after the adverse reactions to his comment, Fassino releases a note: “In the face of reactions following my speech at the Camerafor further clarification, I reiterate that, after deducting the national and local tax levies and the social security portion from the gross indemnity, the monthly net allowance that each deputy receives is 4,718 euros. It is certainly a good allowance, but not corresponding to the often circulated astronomical figures”.

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Fassino he then goes on to say in the note: “Each deputy is then paid a Fund for parliamentary activity of 3,610 euros which, as far as I’m concerned, I use entirely for the compensation of my two parliamentary collaborators. Finally, each deputy receives a monthly allowance of 3,500 euros which, as far as I’m concerned, I donate 2,500 euros to the national and Veneto PD to support political activities, using the remaining 1,000 euros to cover expenses for parliamentary activity (subscriptions, trips and initiatives)”.

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