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Developers Support Extension of Business Hours and Promote Night Markets in Hong Kong

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Developers Support Extension of Business Hours and Promote Night Markets in Hong Kong

Hong Kong government explores extending shopping mall hours to boost night economy

Hong Kong’s government is considering extending the business hours of certain shopping malls in a bid to revitalize the night market and stimulate the city’s economy, according to insider sources. Huang Weilun, deputy director of the Financial Department, has been appointed to lead the initiative and is currently working on a plan to bring the night market back to life.

Many developers have expressed their support for the extension of business hours and have already begun actively promoting the development of “night markets”. Sun Hung Kai Properties’ executive director, Feng Xiuyan, stated that the evening market contributes more than one-third of shopping malls’ revenue. She highlighted the importance of a successful evening market and suggested that extending business hours would generate a chain effect that would ultimately boost Hong Kong’s economy. Xiuyan also mentioned that some shops have been unable to extend their hours due to a lack of manpower and urged the government to expedite applications for the Supplementary Labor Optimization Program to address the industry’s labor shortage.

New World Land has responded positively to the government’s initiative, announcing that it will actively support and cooperate with the SAR government to promote the night economy. The company is considering extending the business hours of its shopping malls on certain days and organizing night activities to attract larger crowds.

Likewise, Henderson Land is actively preparing new plans to boost the night market, including hosting night events and collaborating with merchants to offer discounts. Swire Properties is studying how to enhance the flow of people and customer participation in its malls during the night and will announce further details of its plan soon.

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Even transportation company MTR has stated its willingness to cooperate, closely monitoring Hong Kong’s economic activities and studying potential measures to support the night economy.

Sino Group shopping malls have already taken the initiative by offering wine redemption coupons at their properties and launching Mid-Autumn Festival activities. They have also distributed free drink coupons at high-speed rail stations and bus stops, targeting tourists and inviting them to enjoy the sea view and wine tasting at Tsim Sha Tsui East.

The Hong Kong government’s plans to extend shopping mall hours and promote night markets are expected to bring a fresh wave of energy to the city’s economy and attract both locals and tourists alike.

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