Home » Education – NRW-SPD wants equal teacher salaries from mid-2024

Education – NRW-SPD wants equal teacher salaries from mid-2024

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Education – NRW-SPD wants equal teacher salaries from mid-2024

classroom in a schooldts


Düsseldorf (German news agency) – The SPD parliamentary group in the Düsseldorf state parliament has called on the NRW state government to bring forward the increase in salaries for teachers at primary schools and secondary level I to the level of upper school teachers (secondary level II). As can be seen from an amendment that is to be tabled this Thursday in the Budget and Finance Committee and about which the “Rheinische Post” reports in its Thursday edition, the SPD wishes that full adjustment should be achieved by the middle of next year.

The application states: “As in Hesse, the student trainees should benefit from the gradual increase in teachers’ salaries. In addition, the planned step-by-step plan will be streamlined and brought forward to mid-2024.” This eliminated the later adjustments to the allowance. In addition, the SPD demands that workshop and specialist teachers should not be paid A9 in the entry office, as has been the case up to now.

A report by the GEW stated that a salary according to A10 was appropriate. “The state government has promised justice in teacher salaries. In fact, with this draft law, they are only creating new injustices,” said the education policy spokeswoman for the SPD parliamentary group, Dilek Engin, of the “Rheinische Post”. “For example, there should be no salary adjustments for management positions in the school sector. This leads to a further aggravation of the problem, especially in view of the high shortage of primary school management.”

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She also harshly criticized the gradual transition to A13 over so many years. This does not ensure a rapid increase in attractiveness. “School minister Feller and the black-green government factions did not take the criticism from associations and from the school sector seriously after the action plan was published and did not use the time to improve it,” said Engin. “In view of the blatant shortage of teachers, we cannot give away any more important years.”


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