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European elections, Salvini: “I hope that nobody within the CDX helps the bomber Macron”

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European elections, Salvini: “I hope that nobody within the CDX helps the bomber Macron”

Lega, Salvini: “Toti? I hope that Giovanni proves his innocence”

Matteo Salvini is making ready to face the decisive check of European elections. Various issues inside his occasion may rely on the end result of that vote. “I hope – says Salvini to Il Giornale – that nobody in centre-right will choose that bomber Macron to the balanced Le Pen”. The chief of the League explains his concept of Europa. “Less invasive and extra concrete, able to doing properly with out spreading. Now, nevertheless, it does too many issues very badly. I consider the follies of ban the manufacturing of petrol and diesel automobiles from 2035to the housing directive which dangers stifling Italians, to the improper selections towards farmers and fishermen, to the horrible administration of migratory flows”.

Salvini he has clear concepts about alliances within the EU: “I hope – continues the deputy prime minister to Il Giornale – a centre-right majoritywith out the left, with an enlarged coalition on the mannequin of what Berlusconi taught us.” He is evident on the Toti case and the doable penalties linked to European funds. “I hope that the judiciary’s initiatives won’t have penalties on some elementary work. We have invested billions in Liguria, from the third cross to the dam, and Liguria represents a mannequin of effectivity as we demonstrated after the collapse of the Morandi bridge. As for John, I hope he can show his innocence“.

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