Home » European elections, Vannacci: “I consider running with the League. I thank Salvini”

European elections, Vannacci: “I consider running with the League. I thank Salvini”

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European elections, Vannacci: “I consider running with the League. I thank Salvini”

“Salvini? I haven’t heard from him in a while…”

“I haven’t heard from Minister Salvini for some time. I thank him again for his attention and confirm that I will evaluate the candidacy proposal for the European elections with the League. But at the moment I’m doing my job as a soldier and I’m dealing with other things.” So does the general Roberto Vannacci ad Affaritaliani.it after this morning’s new opening by Deputy Prime Minister Salvini to the candidacy for the European Championships with the League.

“Thank you for your attention, it means that there is recognition for my ideas and I’m pleased.” When will the reserve be released? “The elections are in June and it is clear that I will communicate my decision before then. I evaluate the proposal, I thank you, but for now I will continue with my work”, concludes Vannacci.

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