Home » Expensive rents, the Sx improvises as a champion but it’s worth it: Conte-Schlein booed

Expensive rents, the Sx improvises as a champion but it’s worth it: Conte-Schlein booed

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Elly Schlein e Giuseppe Conte

Dear rentals, Elly Schlein challenged in Rome: “The Democratic Party is not welcome here, we don’t want catwalks. What title do you come here for?”

Could not miss the usual exploitation of Pd e M5S about the “curtain protest”. Now the left runs to kiss the slipper of the students in tents protesting for the high-rent. The problem is undoubtedly real and has been around for a long time. Around the universities there are real ones bolle speculative which swell above all in certain months of the year, when academic activity is more intense and attendance is indispensable. For example, a Romaaround the three universities of Sapienza, Tor Vergata e Ostiense there are areas that have prices that are absolutely out of control.

Read also: Expensive rents, student protests spread to Rome after Milan

The minister Joseph Vallettara had indicated the phenomenon as characteristic of cities administered by the left, while Anna Maria Bernini he had distanced himself: “The attack on left-wing mayors? Useless controversy…”. The mayor of Milan Joseph Sala in order not to fall behind, he expressed: “The problem of high rents is one of the hot topics of the moment. In recent days, many university students have protested in various cities such as Milan, Rome and Turin. The question attracted political attention but there was no shortage of controversy”.

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And then again: “Valditara doesn’t even have the skills to speak and I don’t know why she speaks. This morning I heard Minister Bernini who told me that on Monday when you return to Rome you will make a summons. I asked her to convene the mayors of the main cities. I also spoke about it this morning with Gualtieri, the rectors and the boys”.

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Joseph Conte, in the Masaniello version, literally leapt to Sapienza, sticking to the choreographic tent city. As the somewhat mocking chants of “speech, speech!” began, Conte identified himself in Zelighian style with the new role of “curtain advocate” and declaimed: “To deal with the issue of high rents, there are Pnrr funds: in the European Parliament they voted on the possibility of distracting them for new weapons and ammunition. No, let’s use them for kindergartens and student housing”. As a shrewd rhetorician, Conte therefore pinched the theme of pacifism, which has been in vogue since 1965 in worldwide and Italian universities in particular. Only then the target was US President Lyndon Johnson and the war in Vietnam, now it is Giorgia Meloni and the war in Ukraine.

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