Home » Favorable Trends in Youth Employment Amidst China’s Economic Recovery

Favorable Trends in Youth Employment Amidst China’s Economic Recovery

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Title: Chinese Economy in First Half of 2023 Shows Positive Signs of Recovery, but Employment Challenges Remain

Date: July 17, 2023

At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on July 17, Fu Linghui, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics and director of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics Department, shared insights into the national economic performance during the first half of 2023. According to Fu, the overall economic recovery and positive trends have contributed to improvements in the employment situation. However, challenges related to total employment and structural issues persist.

Fu stressed that while progress has been made, it is crucial to acknowledge that the youth unemployment challenge, described as “difficulty in finding jobs,” and the shortage of workers in certain industries, known as “difficulty in recruiting workers,” exist simultaneously. This calls for continuous efforts to stabilize employment. As youth employment plays a vital role in individuals’ growth and the nation’s development, the Party Central Committee has placed considerable emphasis on supporting the employment and entrepreneurship of young people, particularly college graduates.

Fu highlighted that the executive meeting of the State Council has made specific arrangements to address employment concerns. Various departments have issued policies aimed at promoting the employment of young people, particularly college graduates. Additionally, localities nationwide are actively implementing these policies. Looking ahead, as the economy further recovers and labor demand continues to expand, and with the effects of employment stabilization policies taking hold, the overall employment situation is expected to remain stable. The upcoming graduation season is also expected to contribute to a gradual decline in youth unemployment rates as young graduates enter the workforce.

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