Home » From Wartsila to Bluetec, for the Mimit obstacle course to resolve the 34 active crisis tables

From Wartsila to Bluetec, for the Mimit obstacle course to resolve the 34 active crisis tables

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From Wartsila to Bluetec, for the Mimit obstacle course to resolve the 34 active crisis tables

A year has now passed since the Finnish multinational Wartsila announced a reorganization of activities and work at the Trieste site. Initially it was supposed to involve over 450 direct workers, almost 600 with associated companies, all involved in the production of 4-stroke diesel engines, without substantial impacts in the areas of research and maintenance. The plan generated a strong reaction from politics, institutions and trade unions due to the impact not only on the territory, but also on the Italian economy, given that the site affected by the production stop is that of Grandi Motori Trieste which has a long history and is central to the naval sector.

The 34 tables

Wartsila’s is just one of the 34 ministerial tables of national importance active at Mimit, the ministry of companies and made in Italy. In the transparency operation desired by Minister Adolfo Urso, the 23 dossiers in the process of being resolved progressively for which monitoring has been arranged were also indicated. With the transparency operation, the ministry has chosen to make public the minutes of the meetings and therefore the information relating to the disputes, in order to have an account of the activity carried out and the results obtained which concern many thousands of workers, most of whom between mechanics and iron and steel.

All the spotlights on, but long procedures

As explained by the undersecretary of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Fausta Bergamotto, with responsibility for business crises, «we are at work every day for the 34 crisis tables open at our Ministry and we don’t let our guard down even on the 23 dossier under monitoring, which we believe is in the process of being resolved. In addition to public meetings with local institutions, companies and social partners, we are engaged daily in small meetings, during which we turn the spotlight on all the financial and economic instruments available”. Unfortunately, however, continues Bergamotto, «some of these corporate crises are consolidated, years old and with onerous situations that have been added over time. We are aware of the thousands of jobs at stake and the urgency of the families behind every worker at risk. However, it must be kept in mind that these are long, delicate procedures, where every small step forward can be the decisive one and, at times, maintaining confidentiality is essential for the success of an intervention. The Ministry’s commitment is concrete and we are not backing down, businesses are our priority».

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The weight of mechanics and iron and steel

The Fim Cisl, in its report on business crises relating to the second half of 2022, had estimated that there are over 60 thousand workers in the metalworking and steel sector in companies in crisis, almost 10 thousand fewer than six months earlier. Automotive and household appliances appear to be the most involved sectors. If we want to look at history, most of it is linked to crises in the sector, due to the transformations that are impacting entire supply chains, such as the automotive or household appliances, as well as crises for raw materials or financial crises. In several cases, such as that of Wartsila, these are crises that have led to the activation of a table at Mimit, as they are companies of strategic importance for Italian industry with heavy employment repercussions.

The three offerings for Wartsila

The crisis tables are present in a transversal manner in all regions, from Piedmont with Conbipel, to Veneto with Speedline, up to Friuli Venezia Giulia with Wartsila. In this regard, in the second half of May (18th) there will be a new meeting at Mimit in which progress is expected from the multinational in the reindustrialization project and in the details of the three proposals it has received. Namely Christof, H2Energy and Mitsubishi/Rheinmetall. At the moment an agreement has not been made on the use of social safety nets on which the social partners are holding back, in the absence of a certain reindustrialization and recovery plan. Meanwhile, the industrial plan of the Finnish multinational is known, which in Italy has just over a thousand employees in Trieste, Genoa, Taranto and Naples. For 2023-2025 it would foresee an investment of 50 million in Italy for research and development of 2 and 4-stroke engines, to be reconverted, in green mode, with methanol, ammonia and hydrogen fuels. Activities that could create about fifty jobs between sales, project management, sourcing, customer assistance.

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