Home » Gas: Tabarelli, towards a 40% drop in bills in January

Gas: Tabarelli, towards a 40% drop in bills in January

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Gas: Tabarelli, towards a 40% drop in bills in January

After the sharp drop in gas, monthly bills for protected customers should drop by around 40% in January. This was stated by the president of Nomisma Energia, Davide Tabarelli, who on the eve of the official communication from Arera, in fact confirmed the declarations of the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, who had formulated a forecast of the same magnitude in recent days. A significant turnaround, which will benefit households, after gas bills (based on December consumption) had risen by more than 23% at the beginning of January.

It is difficult to predict what will happen in February, continues Tabarelli, given that we have now learned to get used to strong market fluctuations. “The crisis is not over and neither is winter, it is possible that there will be a rebound in prices, which fell a lot in January, in any case within the context of a normalization compared to recent months”, he added.

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