Home » German Bundestag – Budget 2024: Hardly any changes in the economic budget

German Bundestag – Budget 2024: Hardly any changes in the economic budget

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German Bundestag – Budget 2024: Hardly any changes in the economic budget

Berlin: (hib/HAU) The budget approach for individual plan 09 has hardly changed during the budget discussions. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Alliance 90/The Greens) should have 11.09 billion euros available this year – in the government’s draft budget 2024 (20/7800) 10.99 billion euros were budgeted. This is a significant decrease compared to the previous year (target: 2023: 14.57 billion euros).

The commitment authorizations in the area of ​​the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection amount to 7.19 billion euros – the government draft provided for six billion euros. On the revenue side, there is an increase of 786 million euros compared to the government draft, which is related to the income from offshore tenders through the Wind Energy at Sea Act.

In the adjustment meeting, the Budget Committee increased the title “Investments to protect the climate and biodiversity abroad” by 50 million euros, after the approach was increased by 200 million euros from 935 million euros, as planned in the government draft, to 735 as a result of the previous committee deliberations Millions of euros have been cut. This means that 785 million euros are now available.

According to the budget proposal, 20 million euros should be made available to handle the hardship regulations for SMEs (support for small and medium-sized companies with energy costs).

The budget for strengthening the supply of skilled workers in 2024 is expected to be higher than planned by the federal government. There should be 980,000 euros more in the area of ​​vocational education and training institutions, an increase to 38 million euros.

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Securing skilled workers for small and medium-sized companies costs 25.38 million euros, an increase of 5.86 million euros. Two programs are specifically mentioned: the “Hand in Hand for international Talents” project, which is to be continued, and the “NETWORK companies integrate refugees” project. Measures to increase the potential of skilled workers for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should now receive 9.27 million euros instead of 5.27 million euros.

The hib report on the individual plan in the government draft:

The hib report on energy and climate protection:

The hib message on the first committee consultation:

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