Home » Gome’s digital upgrade assists the implementation of the “Home·Life” strategy_Retail

Gome’s digital upgrade assists the implementation of the “Home·Life” strategy_Retail

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Original title: Gome’s digital upgrade helps implement the “Home·Life” strategy

From 2020 to the present, China is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. A series of policy actions such as anti-monopoly of e-commerce, extrication from virtuality to reality, double reduction of education and training have brought great deterrence to the market. Behind this is the new development concept of “innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing”, social development More emphasis is placed on fairness, openness, intensiveness and sharing. You know, the principle of fairness is in line with common prosperity and runs through the main line of future consumption. Gome has enhanced its local life retail service capabilities through the “Home·Life” strategy, and its mission of serving thousands of Chinese families has strengthened its retail inclusiveness.

“Bottom-up” makes digital retailing inclusive

According to data from QuestMobile, as of the end of June this year, China’s mobile Internet monthly active users reached 1.164 billion, with 26.3 apps per person per month, and mobile shopping penetration rate over 90%. Due to the online monopoly and redistribution of “traffic wealth”, and the limited range of offline stores, which usually only cover a single area of ​​1-10 kilometers, nearly all e-commerce companies use 70-80% of their resources The focus on online has resulted in a downward trend in the development of physical retail. And with the economic advocacy of “getting out of the virtual to the real”, the importance of the real economy is self-evident.

In its 34-year business career, Gome has formed a dual-line development pattern of online platforms and offline entities, and offline has built a matrix retail that penetrates cities, counties, towns, townships and other markets at all levels. The internet. According to the latest mid-year report data, the number of Gome stores increased to 3895 in the first half of the year, of which the number of county stores increased to 2,556, which not only helped the implementation of the domestic consumption sinking strategy, but also allowed many low- and middle-income consumers to pass High-density physical stores can easily buy high-quality and inexpensive products.

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For Gome, offline stores are essentially a physical base station that feeds back online retail. In the second stage of “Home·Life”, Gome integrated nearly 4,000 offline stores into the online “True Happiness” platform through a vast “one store, one page” relocation project, and formed an online leading full-scale display and All-category transactions, offline dominate the closed-loop consumption of convenient experience and boutique display.

Enhance comprehensive service capabilities in an all-round way through digital means

In the process of the emerging consumer economy tilting from “goods” to “people”, Gome has also used new digital interactions such as communities, events, live broadcasts, and videos to meet the “instant consumption” needs of users in different circles. Taking the community as an example, after the outbreak of the 2020 epidemic, Gome quickly mobilized the power of store employees, first attracted the first batch of “seed users” through acquaintances and acquaintances, and then achieved community fission through the continuous supply of living materials. In the first half of this year, the number of Gome communities increased by 180,000+, the cumulative number of communities reached one million, the cumulative number of community members increased by 30% year-on-year, and the number of times the number of products shared in the community increased by 3.5 times year-on-year. Among Gome’s sales revenue of RMB 26.040 billion in the first half of the year, the sales amount achieved through social sharing alone increased by two times year-on-year. Socialization has become an important means for Gome to improve its retail service capabilities.

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Throughout the past few decades, the reform and opening up has led to the rapid development of China’s economy. The people’s living materials have changed from scarcity to diversity, and the pursuit of quality has evolved from pure pursuit of quality to pursuit of service quality. To this end, Gome leveraged the transportation and distribution capabilities of Anxun Logistics to build a logistics network of 5 million square meters across the country, connecting more than 1,600 national transportation routes, and achieving complete distribution from tier 1-6 cities to counties, towns and townships. The internet. At the mid-term investor meeting, Gome Retail CFO Fang Wei stated that Gome Logistics has completed its downward tilt in the market. Home delivery, home repair, home cleaning, home maintenance, home replacement and other services have covered more than 2,000 areas. Part of the business coverage rate exceeds 80%.

At the recent e-commerce conference, Du Juan, CEO of Gome Holding Group, put forward the concept of “returning marketing to humanism”, especially for the gradual growth of the post-95s young group, simply “buy gifts”, “send coupons” and other traditional marketing methods They are dying, and they pay more attention to emotional resonance and value recognition on the consumer chain. For this reason, Gome used entertainment marketing to break the deadlock, whether it was the 618 entertainment flash event that swept across many provinces and cities across the country, or the large-scale super music festival that airborne in Chengdu in July, or it spanned June and July. “Football x Really Happy Super Live” has allowed Gome and young people to “play together”, achieving emotional resonance.

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With the lever of digitalization, Gome has rapidly increased its retail services, accelerated the implementation of the “home·life” strategy, and promoted the country’s emerging consumption upgrades and retail industry upgrades, and is committed to adding momentum to the retail “new infrastructure” in the digital age.Return to Sohu to see more


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