Home » Government and reforms, presidentialism? From Schlein (and Pd) there is already a “no” to everything

Government and reforms, presidentialism? From Schlein (and Pd) there is already a “no” to everything

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Government and reforms, presidentialism?  From Schlein (and Pd) there is already a “no” to everything

Reforms, waiting for the meeting between the government and the opposition: the presidential hypothesis is on the table

A decisive week opens for the confrontation with the opposition on institutional reforms. The appointment with the representatives of the political forces, confirms a note from Palazzo Chigi, is set for tomorrow, Tuesday 9 maggio in Montecitorio. To preside over the meetings, in addition to the premier Giorgia Melonialso the deputy presidents of the Council, Matthew Salvini e Antonio Tajani.

In the next few hours, the government will listen to the opposition’s proposals, seeking a common ground, in the belief that everyone must participate in writing the rules, but then “It will go on“, as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tajani said.

Challenge the government on the subject of governance and modernization of the country. But, alongside this, pose the issue of trade union representation, with the reform of the electoral law. This is the indication that emerged during the discussion between the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, and the members of the Constitutional Affairs commissions of the Chamber and Senate in view of tomorrow’s meeting in Montecitorio with the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

Those who attended the meeting with Schlein reported that the Democratic Party will go to the meeting with his proposal which starts from some fixed points: no to the direct election of the Prime Minister and, least of all, of the President of the Republic . On the other hand, opening up to the chancellorship hypothesis, with a package of rules that also includes constructive distrust. Predisposition for confrontation, therefore, provided that the government is not only willing to work together.

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