Home » Green light to tax delegation, from electronic cigarettes to super stamp: here’s what changes

Green light to tax delegation, from electronic cigarettes to super stamp: here’s what changes

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Green light to tax delegation, from electronic cigarettes to super stamp: here’s what changes

The first go-ahead for tax delegation arrives. In the House there were 182 yeses, 97 nos and 6 abstentions. The text will then pass to the Senate to return, in the government’s intentions, to Montecitorio in third reading by the summer break and ensure that, through the implementing decrees, a series of measures enter into force as early as 2024. Many adjustments to the framework law.
Among the innovations introduced in the Chamber during the examination of the fiscal delegation are the reduction of taxation of overtime, thirteenth month payments and productivity bonuses; installment of the tax advance; gradual overcoming of Irap; stop the online sale of e-cigs; reorganization of car taxes while the incremental flat tax for employees remains on standby. The changes are concentrated on the first part of the provision, i.e. articles from 1 to 13, while the adjustments to the second part (from 13 to 20) and in particular on local taxes, collections and penalties, are foreseen in the examination which will concern the next week at Palazzo Madama.

The tax relief of thirteenths
During the examination in the committee in the Chamber, thanks to an amendment by the government, the reduction of taxes on overtime and thirteenth payments for the lowest incomes was introduced into the framework law, while as regards productivity bonuses, thanks to an amendment by the Third Pole, a reduction in IRES is envisaged for companies in which there is employee profit sharing.

The cup missed
Another novelty of the provision, desired by the speaker, the Northern League member Alberto Gusmeroli, concerns the possibility of paying the November tax advance in installments and reducing the withholding tax for the self-employed.

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Young people
A series of rules also concern young people. The Parliament’s request, in view of the reformulation of tax expenditures, is to protect the facilitations for young people under 30 to enter the world of work.

The incentives
Furthermore, incentives in the form of super-depreciation for new hires are foreseen for companies. Green light also for the gradual overcoming of Irap without increases to be paid by companies. In the context of the reorganization of motor vehicle taxes, a reference is also to the superbollo: a possible progressive overcoming of this is envisaged.
Agile work
Attention also to smart working: in view of the revision of the discipline of tax residence of natural persons, attention is also paid to working performance in the smart version.

And the e-cig
Among the latest approved changes comes the tightening of e-cigs and ‘nicotine pouches’, with the ban on distance selling. The objective of the “gradual elimination of self-payment systems” is also set in the simplification of the methods of payment of some indirect taxes.

La global minimum tax
Finally, ok to the National Taxpayer Guarantor, to the involvement of the Guardia di Finanza in the control plan for the fight against illegal gambling and to the delegation to the government to introduce the global minimum tax.

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