Home » Industry, producer prices fall by 3.3% in October

Industry, producer prices fall by 3.3% in October

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Industry, producer prices fall by 3.3% in October

In October 2022, industrial producer prices decreased by 3.3% on a monthly basis and increased by 28% on an annual basis (from +41.7% in September). This was noted by Istat, specifying that, on the domestic market, prices fell by 4.3% compared to September and grew by 33.7% on an annual basis (it was +52.9% in September).
Excluding the energy sector, prices show a contained positive economic trend (+0.6%) and a much less extensive growth trend (+12.9%). In the quarter August-October 2022, compared to the previous three months, producer prices grew by 7.4% (+9.2% domestic market, +1.2% foreign market).

The turnover

In September, Istat estimates that the turnover of industry, net of seasonal factors, decreased by 1.2%, in economic terms, both for the total and for the domestic and foreign components. In the third quarter, the overall index grew by 1.9% compared to the previous quarter (+2% on the domestic market and +1.9% on the foreign market).

Corrected for calendar effects, the institute specifies, the total turnover grows in tendential terms by 18%, with increases of 17.5% on the domestic market and 19.2% on the foreign market. Working days were 22 as in September 2021.

The volume of turnover for the manufacturing sector, again corrected for calendar effects, adds Istat, grows in trend terms by 4.6%, with a much more limited increase than in value (+18%).

Dynamics still positive

Therefore, underlines Istat, the seasonally adjusted index of the turnover of industry records, in September, a decrease on a monthly basis. But on average for the third quarter of 2022, the economic trend remains positive, albeit decelerating compared to the previous three months.

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