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Investing is DANGEROUS: 3 Tips to Not Destroy Your Assets

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Investing is DANGEROUS: 3 Tips to Not Destroy Your Assets

Co-founder of Affari Miei Independent Financial Advisory Company

21 June 2023

Invest today it is very dangerous if you have no experience. If you are looking for tips to invest your savings in this video I want to talk about a fundamental theme that no trainer or guru of industry of the trading online (and not only) will ever tell you.

Everyone wants to invest in actions, etf or much more complex tools: but are we sure they are right for us? Are we sure we’re ready?

We talk about it in this video that I strongly suggest you watch. If you prefer to read, you can also find the transcript with the 3 basic rules which I extracted right from the video.

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Rule #1: Be aware of what you are doing

Many times I have talked to people who had invested in the bank and they said they trusted the promoter so I trusted the promoter and the advice he gave. This is as long as the account was active! But when the data started to be negative, taken by anxiety, they sold at a loss, thus losing tens of thousands of euros.

When I ask these investors why they did this, they gave me a staggering answer: “I didn’t understand what I was doing”.

And that’s why you have to be aware! The advice I can give you is to start by investing small digits, in such a way as to be able to face the various phases of the market.

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I don’t want to scare you: starting is better than not starting at all, the important thing is to do it without jeopardizing all our savings. Rather, invest precisely small amounts so as not to burn yourself too much if you make mistakes and so that you can control your emotions if things go wrong.

Take some time to also figure out what a promoter is proposing to you, so that you can evaluate the consequences.

To delegate can be a choice made by those who realize that investments are complex and do not feel like acting alone, but if you do not have the awareness right, you risk not understanding what is happening (especially in times of financial negativity) and this leads to rash decisions, as well as causing a stress strong that threatens to reflect on your whole life.

Rule #2: Avoid unpleasant situations that can affect your life

I take up what I mentioned in the previous paragraph: when we start investing, we not only have to improve our life from an economic point of view, but we must also improve other areas of our life, increasing it quality.

It’s not just money and work and investments. Many of my students are very busy people: doctors, lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs, freelancers of various kinds, often carry out jobs of great responsibility and which require concentration… But there are also workers who work with machinery that is difficult to control, they cannot afford the stress and anxiety related to the “tense” management of one’s assets.

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It is necessary to invest without this adding stress to the stress of everyday life, whether it is work, professional, or family. In all these cases (and I think that any of us, in his own way, has his responsibilities) taking on the stress – especially caused by Trading – is profoundly wrong.

By doing so, your life gets worse rather than better, and this is reflected in every area of ​​your life, even privately.

Do you want to get to this?

Rule #3: Clarify your goals

I deal with financial education and financial training since 2014 and there is a question that no one ever asks: why do I want to invest?

Those who approach me for the first time immediately want the tools to invest, but no one ever wonders why they want to invest.

It is the whys that determine the quality of our choices and above all determine our actions.

You know many traders who dedicate themselves to this activity with the same spirit as those who dedicate themselves to football betting, carrying on something that alters their mood, affecting their quality of life and absorbing a lot of time, without there being an effective economic return no satisfaction of any kind.

This happens when you can’t answer the “Why” I’m doing.

The truth is that, if you have minimal capital, it does not mean that you have to work every day dedicating yourself to investments and / or trading. This activity should occupy you for a limited amount of time during the year.

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Maybe you don’t grind anything in economics and personal finance: then, like my students do, for a month or two you could consider studying more intensively to train. But once this is done, effective operations must be limited to a few dozen hours a year.

As I often say, investing money is not an activity for those who want to make money. If this is your goal you need to focus on business, not on investments.

If you need money, it’s probably yours because it’s not to be found in trading or investments, but in work and business.

If, on the other hand, your aim is not to make money, but rather to manage your assets, there is a much more organized, much more schematized way to do it: probably, in this case, your goal is increase the quality of lifeand certainly adding stress to stress is not the way to achieve the goal!

We must take care of personal finance and investments to live better and to improve the quality of our life! So I recommend understanding what you want and trying to organize yourself in order to achieve it effectively, without stressing out and obsessing over investments… This is not the way to invest!

End of reflection or, if you’ve been following me for some time and you prefer…what is it 😉

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