Home » Italy is penultimate in Europe for the expenditure of EU funds

Italy is penultimate in Europe for the expenditure of EU funds

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Italy is penultimate in Europe for the expenditure of EU funds

Italy is in the penultimate place in Europe for the expenditure of EU funds

Italy is one of the worst in Europe for spending the resources of the European structural funds. The confirmation comes from an analysis of the data published on the Cohesion Data portal of the European Commission, which cover the trend of the assignments. At the end of last December Italy has spent only 62% of the resources provided by the funds of the 2014-2020 programming, ranking at penultimate place in the EU rankingfirst alone at Spainwhich is last with his 57%.

“Our country is at the bottom of the EU ranking, an Italian disgrace“. So he comments Maximilian Iervolino, secretary of the Italian Radicals. “Rightly, there is a lot of talk about the funds available from the Pnrr and the difficulty of taking advantage of them, but another Italian anomaly must be pointed out: the money deriving from European programming. Penultimate in the EU ranking, worse only Spain. Billions of euros thrown awaywill someone pay?”, he concludes.

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