Home » Labor market – Employers’ association criticizes new EU wage transparency directive

Labor market – Employers’ association criticizes new EU wage transparency directive

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Labor market – Employers’ association criticizes new EU wage transparency directive


Berlin (German news agency) – The employers’ association BDA does not see the EU directive for more wage transparency as an effective measure against wage inequality and criticizes a growing control bureaucracy. “There is already a lot of legislation on equal treatment in the workplace and a high level of protection against discrimination,” said Employer President Rainer Dulger to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Thursday edition).

In addition, many EU member states have introduced specific measures for wage transparency. “The EU wage transparency directive, on the other hand, does not effectively address a single cause of different pay,” he criticized. “The European legislators have created a control bureaucracy that ignores existing collective agreement regulations,” says Dulger. “It leads neither to better pay nor to greater acceptance of European regulations among the general public.” The employer president sees the traffic light coalition as having a duty to think of small and medium-sized businesses. “It is now up to the federal government to ensure that the directive is implemented in a manner that is friendly to small and medium-sized businesses and unbureaucratic,” demanded Dulger. “Here, the coalition must take its own resolutions in the coalition agreement seriously – and dispense with unnecessary reporting requirements and create improved location conditions for work in Germany.” Among other things, the new EU directive stipulates that companies in which the gender-specific pay gap for work of equal value is more than five percent must make adjustments. In addition, a right to compensation is created for employees who have been discriminated against in terms of wages.


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