Home » Medical expenses to be delivered for 730. Here are which receipts to bring to the Caf

Medical expenses to be delivered for 730. Here are which receipts to bring to the Caf

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Medical expenses to be delivered for 730. Here are which receipts to bring to the Caf

Income tax return, receipts and receipts to be delivered

The window approaches to prepare your own tax declaration, the rules are constantly evolving and, like every year, citizens have to navigate among the myriad of receipts and receipts accumulated to present to the nearest Caf or to their trusted accountant. The most unfortunate item is undoubtedly that of medical expenses. It is mandatory to include a copy of the receipts issued for pharmacy purchases?

The first thing to keep in mind is that in order to tax deduction on taxes to be paid on income it is necessary that the expenses incurred have been incurred with traceable methods, therefore by credit cards or bank transfers. Cash payment does not allow any deductions. However, there are some exceptions. Here are which ones.

Read also: 730 pre-compiled 2023, new rules coming soon: documents to keep

The expenses made in the pharmacy are in fact exempt from these “restrictions”Consequently, it is not mandatory to present the receipts when completing the 730/2023 for the tax return, but it has not always been the case. Today however – as he reports I love trading – receipts issued by pharmacies are considered “speaking”, thanks to the wording of the taxpayer’s tax code given upon presentation of the health card.

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