Home » Meloni concentrated only on the “terrestrial globe” and who is thinking of Italy?

Meloni concentrated only on the “terrestrial globe” and who is thinking of Italy?

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Meloni concentrated only on the “terrestrial globe” and who is thinking of Italy?

Giorgia Meloni and Italy in trouble

In order to govern, Meloni had to radically change the geopolitical structure of the centre-right and in the meantime, problems are growing in Italy. The analysis

Giorgia Meloni has immediately, in this first year of government, privileged the foreign dimension of his political action. As proof of his international interest it is enough to recall the fact that she was elected president of the European Conservative and Reformist Party already in 2020. As soon as she won the elections she made full use of the “opportunity” provided by the war in Ukraine per place Italy permanently alongside the United States and NATO.

Moreover, the centre-right coalition that won the elections last September is one international heterogeneous coalition: just think that Matthew Salvini -until just over a year ago- he went around Red Square wearing Putin’s T-shirt and Silvio Berlusconi was the most important friend the Russian leader had in the West. A friendship that -as known- didn’t stop at the formal aspect but was also – and above all – human. This is why the western chancelleries, when the centre-right won the elections, had gone into fibrillation.

READ ALSO: Meloni from Biden, “no subordination to the US. Overcoming the Silk Road”

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