Home » Milan and Rome, bad air quality trigger the measures of the municipalities

Milan and Rome, bad air quality trigger the measures of the municipalities

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Milan and Rome, bad air quality trigger the measures of the municipalities

It will be the lack of rain, the drop in the price of heating gas or the full restart of work in the office, but the fact is that from Milan to Rome the air quality is very bad and measures are taken to protect public health .

Last generation activists block traffic in the center of Milan

In Lombardy

In Milan, Monza, Lodi, Mantua and Cremona – and in their respective provinces – the first level temporary measures will take effect from Friday 17 February, as required by DGR 3606/2020. In fact, the 6th consecutive day of exceeding the daily limit of the PM10 level of 50 µg/m³ was reached in Milan, Monza and Cremona and the 5th day in Lodi and Mantua. This was communicated by the Lombardy Region. In consideration of the national LPT strike called for Friday 17 February 2023, the 1st level restrictions – exclusively on that day – will only be applied to areas relating to heating and agricultural/zootechnical practices, while they will not involve the sector of mobility, as referred to in the decree of the manager of the Aria structure no. 1882 of 2/13/2023 and already sent to the Municipalities.

In the capital

The situation is not better in Rome. “Following the surveys carried out by the urban monitoring network, which recorded the exceeding of the limit value for PM10 in the previous days, and acquiring the model forecasts on the state of air quality and its evolution, provided by Arpa Lazio, which indicate in the Rome area, for the next few days, the persistence of a critical situation with the risk of exceeding the limit values ​​for the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants, in order to safeguard the health of citizens it was necessary to intervene with suitable measures to limit the circulation of vehicles with the greatest environmental impact, as required by current legislation”, announced the Capitol. ‘”Considering that a strike by Local Public Transport is scheduled for 17 February 2023 on the entire Atac network which also affects connections made on behalf of Atac by other operators under subcontracting arrangements, including the operator’s bus network private RomaTpl scarl, and that therefore the service on the entire network from 8.30 to 17.00 and from 20.00 at the end of the daytime service is not guaranteed. With Ordinance of the Mayor n. of 16 January 2023, the following measures were taken to contain air pollution: on 17 February 2023, in addition to the permanent bans already provided for by the Mayor’s Ordinance no. 191/2022, the prohibition of private vehicular circulation, in the area of ​​the territory of Rome delimited by the perimeter coinciding with that of the new ZTL “Green Belt” for the following vehicle types: from 7.30 to 10.30 and from 16.30 to 20.30 for vehicles fueled by Euro 4 diesel used for the transport of goods (categories N1, N2 and N3)”

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