Home » Mother gives birth to baby in McDonald’s parking lot, nicknames him ‘McFlurry’

Mother gives birth to baby in McDonald’s parking lot, nicknames him ‘McFlurry’

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Mother gives birth to baby in McDonald’s parking lot, nicknames him ‘McFlurry’

Woman Gives Birth to Baby in McDonald’s Parking Lot During Snowstorm

Emergency services arrived just in time at the McDonald’s parking lot to treat the mother and baby. A family in the United States welcomed a new member in the parking lot of a McDonald’s fast food restaurant. The child’s own mother shared some photographs and the story of what happened on the night of January 12 on Facebook, which surprised users when they learned of the curious nickname that the new parents gave to her baby.

Analysia Beck, a woman from Muskego, a city located in Waukesha County, in the state of Wisconsin, was determined to get to the hospital with her husband Daniel Beck. It was 4 in the morning and the contractions became increasingly stronger, so they had to stop in the parking lot of the fast food restaurant, which was closed at that time. From there, they called 911 and emergency crews arrived shortly thereafter.

The woman said in a social media post that they were on their way to the hospital, but “her son decided he wanted to make a quick stop.” “He didn’t want to be born in the hospital! “Micah was born in our trunk in the McDonald’s parking lot during a snowstorm.” The baby and his mother were reported stable; After their arrival into the world they were transferred to a medical center.

In the post he made on his Facebook page, Beck said that the moment was terrifying, traumatizing and painful. “Giving birth naturally, without medications/doctors and seeing him come out completely blue because it happened so quickly and literally in the snow was traumatic, but now he is doing great and all we can do is praise and thank God for protecting us.”

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“The baby was coming so fast and my body couldn’t wait any longer to push,” Beck told USA Today. The couple stopped at McDonald’s and she immediately went to the back of her car, where she lay down and waited for the emergency services to arrive. But after three pushes, her baby was born; Firefighters and paramedics arrived just in time to receive him.

“As soon as (Daniel) pulled into the parking lot, I thought he was coming right now. I have to go to bed. ‘You’re going to have to welcome the baby’ (she told her husband),” the mother told local network TMJ4. For his part, Mr. Beck thanked those who participated in the birth of his son: “Definitely grateful for all the paramedics and police who arrived quickly and made sure everyone was okay.”

The couple named their son Micah Daniel, but he has been called something else, more curious and linked to the famous fast food restaurant. In the Facebook post, where you can see photos of the little boy, the mother wrote: “Appropriately, he earned the nickname ‘McFlurry’.”

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