Home » Pandemic in Italy, huge tragedy between the grotesque and the comic

Pandemic in Italy, huge tragedy between the grotesque and the comic

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Pandemic in Italy, huge tragedy between the grotesque and the comic

Pandemic, from mockery to no-vaxes to viro-stars: years suspended between irony and a sense of horror. The comment

Friday 20 August 2021 Affaritaliani published a still traceable thought, dedicated and addressed to Robert Burioni. It was in memory of Flavio La Gioiaa young man who died three weeks after the first dose of the Pfizer “vaccine“. Affaritaliani used a nice photo of Burioni, in a Duce’s pose next to the title which reported the historical phrase of mockery of no-vaxeswhich will certainly be the most famous of the viro star, contemptuous narcissistic terrorist, who was then very popular on TV: “Locked up at home like mice“.

READ ALSO: To Roberto Burioni, who told the unvaccinated: “Shut up at home like mice”

I remember this case, among the innumerable tragedies I have known or even experienced, because the thought reported in that short text is the one I deduced from the desperate phone call Antonio La Gioia, Flavio’s father, made to me: “How happy we would have been, all locked up in the house like mice, but with Flavio among us! I begged him until the last moment not to get vaccinated. But he was tired of being treated like a leper.”

Of course the doctors said “The vaccine has nothing to do with it. He was a heart patient without knowing it. There are so many!” This, one of the many cases, testifies to the atmosphere, the behavior in August 2021: we were in the middle of the Terror Regime. In fact, our minister by chance, the Robespierre of the situation, told Brusaferrofaithful executor director of the ISS: “To get them vaccinated, we have to terrorize them!” And that executed.

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Regime of terror outside and also inside one’s own Institute. More Terror than what the high offices (Mattarella and Draghi) have disclosed even inappropriately… It couldn’t be done. Wednesday 29 March 2023, headline on the front page of La Verità: The Head of AIFA: “Shut up about the damage, otherwise… the vaccine will be killed”. Thursday, March 30always the headline on the front page: “The emails prove that the Agency knew about the risks” and again “Vaccine victims: sent to slaughter, we report AIFA”.

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