Home » Pd primaries, Bonaccini and Schlein united on Ukraine but not on rights. Here’s who won the TV comparison

Pd primaries, Bonaccini and Schlein united on Ukraine but not on rights. Here’s who won the TV comparison

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Pd primaries, Bonaccini and Schlein united on Ukraine but not on rights.  Here’s who won the TV comparison

Pd primaries, the TV confrontation between Stefano Bonaccini and Elly Schlein

Stefano Bonaccini the experience. Elly Schlein change. The start is soft, without too many tears, with the duelists reiterating their respective vocations. For slimeafter the defeats, “it is the time for humility and listening” starting with those who are paying for the years of crises: “The Pd I think it should be based on the challenge of fighting inequalities, precariousness, the climate emergency. Today is the time to rebuild a home for those who have felt orphaned by a new left in recent years ”, he explains.

Bonaccini he immediately claims his long experience at the helm of the Pd in Emilia-Romagna and as administrator: “I think I have accumulated the right experience to lead the Pd. I think I can guarantee the unity of the party after the brawls and I think I can have a program for Italy because the primary objective is to bring the left back to the helm of the country. We need a new management team that will return to where people study, work and have fun”. The duet on the importance of getting people to vote in the primaries follows.

The bar, for both, is the one million voters in the gazebos: a goal that is far too within reach, if one considers that the last time, when Zingaretti, one million six hundred thousand people voted. The approach also on the war in Ukraine is similar: Elly Schlein he has no doubts in saying that it was right to support Kiev by any means, but he adds that military support must be followed by a commitment to open a peace conference: “I think it was right to support the Ukrainian people in every way defend ourselves against aggression. But we can’t wait for the last gun to fall to mobilize and create the conditions for an international peace conference. I think we must never stop because there is no left without a commitment to peace. I don’t think that war is resolved with weapons”.

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