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Polls, Meloni rises and the League goes down

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Polls, Meloni rises and the League goes down

Polls, confidence in the premier Meloni is good for FdI (29.6%)

The polls by Termometro Politico carried out between 25 and 27 April leave no doubts: as far as internal politics are concerned, Prime Minister Meloni’s confidence index is up slightly compared to the previous survey and stands at 44.7%. Fdi also benefits, which grows to 29.6%. The Pd is stable at 18.7% while the M5S retreats to 15.9%. Down the League to 9.5%, Forza Italia rises to 7.7% while Action decreases to 4.1%. + Europe at 2.5% overtakes Italia Viva and Italexit (both at 2.4%), followed by the Left/Greens (2.3%), Sovereign Popular Democracy (1.5%) and Unione Popolare (1.4%) .

Polls, April 25 is an anniversary that still has value

The significance, for Italians, of the anniversary of 25 April was also investigated. Although with some differences, in fact, for 44.4% the Resistance and Liberation should always be commemorated as founding values ​​of the Republic, for 12% it makes sense to celebrate the anniversary but only if it is updated, i.e. remembering and supporting all the struggles for freedom against the dictatorships and occupations present in the world today, finally for 30.4% the anniversary has value but only if it is not exploited by a political party as has happened in recent years. Finally, there is a small minority (11.8%) who renounce April 25, considering it a defeat and not a victory.

On the other hand, there are different interpretations as to who contributed most to the liberation of Italy in the Second World War: for 43.4% it is thanks to the Anglo-American allies while for 35.1% to the partisan struggle and the Resistance. Then there is a 19.2% according to which since April 25 we have been militarily occupied and have in fact become an American colony.

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