Home » Putin, Boccassini, Br, Dostoevskij, Corona: the books in Messina Denaro’s hideout

Putin, Boccassini, Br, Dostoevskij, Corona: the books in Messina Denaro’s hideout

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Putin, Boccassini, Br, Dostoevskij, Corona: the books in Messina Denaro’s hideout

All the books of the Messina Denaro library

From Nicolai Lilin to Primo Levi, from Dostevsky to Vargas Llosa. From Alda Merini’s poems to books on the Red Brigades, from Ilda Boccassini on Falcone to Maurizio Corona. As Giovanni Bianconi recounts in the Corriere della Sera, on the shelves of the apartment where Messina Denaro lived in the last year there were about 50 books, of very different genres and subjects. Several biographies, collections of poems, some volumes of philosophy, historical mysteries and some novels.

“Alongside the biographies, novels, historical mysteries, collections of poems and other literary genres, some philosophy texts; mostly commercial editions, of those that are also found on newsstands or on supermarket shelves, but a symptom of particular interests”, writes the Corriere della Sera, which goes into more detail on the biographies of Pablo Escobar. Poi “the novel by the French writer Olivier Guez, The Disappearance of Josef Mengele, which describes the flight to Argentina and the hidden life of the doctor who became the engineer of the Nazi selection of the race, who used deportees in German concentration camps as guinea pigs, who escaped capture and trials”.

And again: “On the desk in the bedroom, the Carabinieri del Ros also found the sons who came badly, the story of Andrea Ghira, one of the “slaughters of the Circeo”, who grew up in the Rome of the seventies, between neo-fascist militancy and bourgeois vices , narrated by his brother Philip”. Then also Putin’s biography “reconstructed by Nicolai Lilin in his The Last Tsar, placed on the desk together with the book on Ghira. But the writer of Moldovan-Siberian origins, “the last godfather” also had a novel, Spy story love story, starring a young killer on commission”.

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Corriere della Sera continues: “Several timeless classics of world, nineteenth-century and contemporary literature appear in the boss’s library: dto Dostoevsky (The White Nights) to Baudelaire (The flowers of evil and other poems), to Céline (Journey to the end of the night); from Charles Bukowski (four titles) to Mario Vargas Llosa (Aunt Julia and the scribbler and The city and the dogs), up to Haruki Murakami and Isabel Allende. But Messina Denaro’s true passion seems to be historical novels and thrillers, appreciated thanks to successful authors such as Valerio Massimo Manfredi”.

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