Home » Reforms, Calderoli: “For the League, both presidentialism and the premiership are ok”

Reforms, Calderoli: “For the League, both presidentialism and the premiership are ok”

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Reforms, Calderoli: “For the League, both presidentialism and the premiership are ok”

Reforms, the Minister of Autonomies Roberto Calderoli ad Affaritaliani.it

Does the League prefer the direct election of the President of the Republic or the direct election of the Prime Minister? “It doesn’t matter, both solutions are fine”. Thus it answers the question of Affaritaliani.it the Minister of Autonomy Robert Calderoli on the eve of the summit at Palazzo Chigi on reforms with the opposition.

But the Democratic Party has said no to both presidentialism and the direct election of the prime minister… “We will listen to what the Democratic Party has to say, as well as what the other oppositions will say, but the Italians have chosen a majority and the proposals are made and decided by the majority. I have always supported presidentialism, as in 2012 approved by the Senate then died in the Chamber. And in 2005 I was in favor of the premiership, both solutions are fine”.

So will the majority also go without the opposition? “Between presidentialism and the premiership, the Democratic Party wants to do something else, but they lost the elections and the proposals are made by those who won the elections. If they want the chancellorship, they study German. Italy is not Germany”, concludes the Minister Calderoli.

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