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Renzi: “With the pro-European list, votes go to the sovereignists. Calenda? No vetoes”

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Renzi: “With the pro-European list, votes go to the sovereignists. Calenda? No vetoes”

Carlo Calenda Matteo Renzi

Renzi: “Calenda? No vetoes, different stories with Bonino but we will steal votes from the sovereignists”

“With Bonino we have different personal stories, we have different ideas on some international political dossiers, we are not people who have dinner together in the evening like old friends. But we both do politics. And for us the word politics has its own dignity. I didn’t make peace because I never went to war with her. Unfortunately we live in a season in which even the comparison and clash of opinions becomes a personal matter.” The leader of Italia Viva says so Matteo Renzi in an interview with Corriere della Sera, talking about the aim list for the European Championships.

“There are alleged leaders – adds the former prime minister – who live on envy and resentment: they have no ideas but only antipathies, as Longanesi said. Politics is something else and it’s not for everyone. Emma Bonino, on the other hand, knows what politics is, she has been a protagonist of institutional life for years and can still give a lot to Europe: her insistence on the need for institutional reform of the Union is also mine. Let’s take this stretch of road together because we share the goal. We are not betrothed: we are two politicians who believe in the dream of the United States of Europe.”

Should Calenda change his mind? “I haven’t dealt with Calenda for a year. That is, since, with a kamikaze-like move, he destroyed the Third Pole with an agency launch – Renzi replies -. I read that he said: with Renzi I have already given. It seems to me that he has already had, rather than given. He has had a position as deputy minister, as minister, as ambassador. He had the support for the 2019 European elections and for the 2021 Rome municipal elections, he had the financial support in 2022, and the signatures to run for office without which Action would not be in Parliament.”

“If Action wants to be there, doors open without vetoes. If it doesn’t want to, best wishes. I deal with politics, not personal grudges,” he concludes.

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