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Repetitions for children, families spend 400 euros per year

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Repetitions for children, families spend 400 euros per year

In Italy, on average, families spend € 400 per year on tuition for children. With very different budgets: 34% spend up to 2 thousand euros, the largest percentage (50%) between 100 and 400 euros, 16% under 100 euros. These are the data from the research conducted by Skuola.net/Ripetizioni.it which highlights as among the crucial moments to take private lessons there are precisely the spring months, between the end of the first quarter and the end of the school year. In fact, the report estimates that from the report cards delivered a few weeks ago, almost 2 out of 5 pupils have not reached the sufficiency in at least one subject and one in 7 has collected at least three marks below 6.

29% of young people argue that the gaps are a legacy of the pandemic, therefore developed in the months of the lockdown. For 45% the problems arose from September to today, while for 27% they are more consolidated difficulties, ie before 2020. To overcome this problem, most schools have started remedial courses, and in fact only one student out of 4 complains of its absence. But half of the boys preferred to fend for themselves with repetitions at home, for a fee or free.

“The pandemic is having a heavy toll, with much of the student gaps that have matured over the past two years,” he comments Marco Sabardella, responsible for Skuola.net/Ripetizioni.it. “What is particularly worrying is the fact that the most indigestible materials are those of the area Stemor rather those of the disciplinary fields in which today the world of work is looking for new recruits ”.

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And in fact in the first place there is the math, thorn in the side for two-thirds (65%) of teens who recently started taking repetitions; the others follow scientific subjects, in the list of 34% of respondents; third place for the ancient languages (Latin and Greek), for which 28% of pupils asked for support; finally the foreign languagesa problem for 22% of young people.

39% relied on a private teacher. 26% did it before receiving the report card, to try to reach the end of the year with a more solid preparation. Others have started after the certification of insufficiency or will do so soon (6%); still others joined but stopped when they reached enough (7%). 27% are done free help from relatives or acquaintances.

Even those who have survived the first four months unscathed do not sleep on their laurels: as many as one in 6 has approached the world of repetitions, above all to consolidate their grades, aiming even higher, or even just to face checks and tests with more serenity. queries.

If during the pandemic the most used interface modality was the dadnow things are progressively returning to normal with 65% of the interviewees who hosted the teacher or went to the home of the teacher, 14% who alternated this modality with online sessions, and 21% who still continue to do all online.

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