Home » ROUNDUP: Two Russian fighter jets and helicopters crash near Ukraine

ROUNDUP: Two Russian fighter jets and helicopters crash near Ukraine

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ROUNDUP: Two Russian fighter jets and helicopters crash near Ukraine

BRYANSK (dpa-AFX) – Two Russian fighter jets and two helicopters crashed in the Russian region of Bryansk on Saturday, according to media reports. First, the Russian state news agency Tass reported the crash of a helicopter in the town of Klinzy. An explosion on the helicopter could be seen on videos on social networks before it fell to the ground in flames. Tass later reported the crash of a Russian Sukhoi Su-34 fighter jet. In the afternoon, several media reported about a second helicopter crash. The newspaper “Kommersant” also wrote in the evening that a second Su-35 fighter jet was shot down.

The background was initially unclear. The “Kommersant” reported that the helicopters and planes were shot down by rockets. Under the heading “missile attack in the sky” it said that it was a Russian combat unit that was supposed to fly attacks in Ukraine. The suspects would be wanted.

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