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Schlein: “Meloni will be a disappointment. Either the Pd changes or it’s finished”

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Schlein: “Meloni will be a disappointment. Either the Pd changes or it’s finished”

Schlein’s warning: “The Democratic Party must change or it’s finished”

Giorgia Meloni “will be yet another disappointment for those who voted for her. The right has not grown, it still has its twelve million voters who relied first on Berlusconi, then on Salvini and now on Meloni. Even though they are divided. It’s up to us to explode those contradictions”. This was stated by the candidate for the secretariat of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, in an interview with Aldo Cazzullo for Corriere della Sera.

Regarding the divisions within the opposition, Schlein points out that “we all have a duty to build the most right-wing alternative government in Republican history. But first the Pd needs to go back up. Changing everything: faces, vision and method: you don’t need to change just the names and keep the wrong method. Enough with the co-optation. Let’s open up to women, to young people, to the best energies. We choose new leaders based on expertise, not loyalty.”

In response to those who say that the old nomenklatura of the party, from Franceschini to Bettini, is behind her, Schlein cuts it short: “It is a sexist statement, typical of a patriarchal society, whereby if a woman gets ahead she must be always someone else’s tool. We need a break, a clear break with the past. I much prefer executives who have understood that either you change or you die, compared to those who accuse me and pretend to have spent the last few years in the fields picking daisies, instead of in the rooms where all the party’s decisions were taken, including alliances”. Finally, when asked if he thinks he will win the congress, Schlein replies: “I’m absolutely sure of it. I feel. I feel an incredible mobilization. You have no idea how many people want to participate.”

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