Home » Society – SPD sharply criticizes the Union’s patriotism initiative

Society – SPD sharply criticizes the Union’s patriotism initiative

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Society – SPD sharply criticizes the Union’s patriotism initiative

German flag over the Reichstag buildingdts


Berlin (German news agency) – The Vice-Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Dirk Wiese, has sharply criticized the Union’s demand for a patriotism program and warned the CDU/CSU against giving the AfD a boost. The desire for better integration through more federal flags and more frequent singing of German songs makes “the complete lack of plan on the part of the CDU and CSU clear,” said Wiese to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Friday edition).

“Anyone who wants to politically prescribe patriotism through a federal program is at most playing into the hands of the right-wing forces. Rather, what is needed is openness and participation.” Wiese accused the sister parties of hypocrisy. “For years, the Union fought tooth and nail against a democracy promotion law. Approving it would have been the best economic stimulus program to promote self-confident, democratic patriotism,” criticized the social democrat. Wiese rejected the demand for a commemoration day. “There is no need for a new day of remembrance on May 23. Our constitution is unique,” said the SPD politician. “We should live, respect and defend our constitution 365 days a year.”


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