Home » Superbonus, Burrelli (Anaci): “So they leave the incompetent and weak behind”

Superbonus, Burrelli (Anaci): “So they leave the incompetent and weak behind”

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Superbonus, Burrelli (Anaci): “So they leave the incompetent and weak behind”

“So it freezes any job in condominiums: the incompetent, the retired, the unemployed cannot afford to pay for interventions which they will then see discounted in the following ten years. And it will be paralysis”. Francesco Burrelli, president of Anacithe National Association of Condominium Administrators, tells ad Affaritaliani.it why the issue around the Superbonus is so complex and why the alert remains high. Anaci brings together around 8,000 professionals who manage almost 400,000 condominiums, about a third of the total in Italy.

President, let’s be clear: why did this alarm go off?

Mario Draghi had already announced that this measure was not ideal for him, thus putting the markets in turmoil. Then, with the advent of the Meloni government, he waited a little too long to take this measure, one almost thinks badly.

In what sense?

Just think if they had announced the measure last week, before the elections in Lazio and Lombardy, who knows what would have happened. And then there was a bit too much confusion, it was said that that provision had cost 105 billion euros, that is, almost 2,000 euros for citizens. That’s the policy and that’s fine. But we ask ourselves why, if the concern was really to prevent scams, the first anti-fraud measure was made in November 2021 and not in the summer of 2020, when Legislative Decree 34 was born.

Perhaps because one always hopes in good faith and, when one realizes that this is not the case, one is forced to punish everyone.

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Sure, scams worth several billions have been ascertained. But what has been decided is paroxysmal: no more discount on the invoice, no credit transfer, only the tax credit in 10 years. But right now there are 90-95 thousand building sites at a standstill, 130-150 thousand people who are closing their businesses. There are 15 billion stranded. Who can’t afford to pay a few thousand euros which does: block the construction of lifts that have to eliminate architectural barriers?

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