Home » Superbonus, Forza Italia: “Unacceptable retroactivity. No to the sugar tax”

Superbonus, Forza Italia: “Unacceptable retroactivity. No to the sugar tax”

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Superbonus, Forza Italia: “Unacceptable retroactivity. No to the sugar tax”

“We still have to work on the problem of retroactivity, which is unacceptable for us, and especially now on the sugar tax, which we believe should not come into force”

“We are already satisfied with some changes that have been made, as requested by us, to the text of the decree with a government amendment. This concerns some protections for the construction sector”, he states to Affaritaliani.it the group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri in the aftermath of the back and forth between the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as Italian leader, Antonio Tajani.

“But – underlines the president of Forza Italia’s senators – we still have to work on the problem of retroactivity, which is unacceptable for us, and especially now on the sugar tax, which we believe should not come into force. On these points we will ask for a discussion in the majority and with the government”, concludes Gasparri.

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