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Superbonus, here’s how to get out of the impasse: “Offset credits with F24”

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Superbonus, here’s how to get out of the impasse: “Offset credits with F24”

Marattin: “Superbonus, here’s a proposal to get out of the impasse”

“We have very few points of contact with the government, but many with Nordio: what does the minister intend to do?”. Luigi Marattin, deputy of Italia Viva, tells in an all-round interview with Affaritaliani.it what the political and economic idea of ​​the Third Pole is (“it is not in crisis”) and definitively rejects the Democratic Party: “It must be respected like everyone the opponents”

Marattin, let’s clarify the government provision that someone defines as a “murderer” of the Superbonus: is it really like this?

The real murder of the Superbonus was done by those who, on the other hand, proclaim to be its loving fathers: the Five Star Movement. When in the Relaunch Decree of May 2020 they imposed – against the protests of many of us – to accompany the superbonus with the free, total and uncontrolled circulation of all tax credits relating to building bonuses. They had believed the nonsense about “fiscal currency”, which they had read on some delusional conspiracy blog. That unfortunate move not only created billions of scams against Italian taxpayers, but it also made subsequent squeezes inevitable which, as always happens, also involved and damaged honest businesses. And the same thing has happened now, with the pronouncement of Eurostat.

Is the executive’s choice correct? Or were there other paths to take?

The decision to intervene on the transferability of credits from now on is the direct and inevitable consequence of Eurostat’s decision regarding the correct accounting of this type of activity. Personally – also reading the original Eurostat note – I have only some doubts that a total blockade is necessary and not, for example, a single transfer. But the real point is on the background. In yesterday’s Decree-Law, the Government further continued the path undertaken by the Draghi Government on easing the responsibilities for those who buy these credits, but whether it will be sufficient to avoid the serious liquidity problems of some construction companies remains to be seen. We had made a proposal, in the last Budget Law: to allow banking institutions to offset credits using customers’ F24s.

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Speaking of the government, just over 100 days have passed since you took office: what do you think? Is there any point of contact with the positions of the so-called third pole?

Very few. We have many points of contact with Minister Nordio (excluding his management of the Donzelli-Delmastro case) and with his ideas of justice reform. But there the real question is to understand how many points of contact Minister Nordio has with his own majority.

The lists for the renewal of the subsidiaries will be presented on 31 March: what do you expect?

It depends on whether they want to follow the Rivera-Barbieri method (i.e. the replacement, in the role of Director General of the Treasury, of a person of undoubted quality with another person of undoubted quality) or whether the hunger for seats that normally takes those who are been in opposition for a long time. In the latter case usually the criteria of merit and quality succumb to other criteria.

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