Home » The Final Phase of Castro’s Banking Project: Imposing Electronic Control on Cubans

The Final Phase of Castro’s Banking Project: Imposing Electronic Control on Cubans

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The Final Phase of Castro’s Banking Project: Imposing Electronic Control on Cubans

Title: Castro’s Regime Initiates Final Phase of Banking Project to Tighten Control over Cuban Citizens

After three years of warning about Castro’s intentions to reshape Cuba’s economy through electronic channels for increased surveillance, the regime has officially launched the final phase of its long-planned banking project. The move is viewed as a crucial political maneuver, as it is through power relations and emerging institutions that a country’s economy is ultimately shaped.

State’s Decision to Accelerate Bankarization:
Alberto Quiñones, Vice President of the Central Bank, announced the state’s decision to fully accelerate the bankarization of the country, highlighting that these electronic channels would enable safer and faster operations. Furthermore, the implementation of these channels is expected to yield economic benefits for the population.

Harmonizing Social Control and Economy:
Bancarization is believed to offer a more efficient economy while effectively managing social control. Even though the state is struggling with financial challenges, there is still an attractiveness towards adopting an electronic payment system, especially if someone is willing to subsidize the costly initial investment.

Potential Russian Funding:
The Russians have shown early interest in Cuba’s banking system and could potentially provide funding for the new electronic payment chain that Castroism intends to establish in the country. This financial reliance further tightens the grip of the Cuban regime on its citizens.

Compelled Compliance and Surveillance:
The regime is making it mandatory for all businesses providing goods and services to adopt electronic means of payment. Through this system, Castroism compels Cubans, specifically emigrants who send remittances to their families, to subsidize the surveillance system. This move effectively limits the use of cash in daily financial transactions.

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Limited Access to Cash and Privacy Concerns:
The restricted financial design of this banking project becomes evident as the government significantly reduces the national currency’s purchasing power. With a daily maximum cash withdrawal limit of only 5,000 pesos and restrictions on cards associated with companies, Cubans are left without privacy and are forced to rely heavily on the banks.

Government’s Tactics:
It becomes apparent that the Castroist government deliberately created a lack of cash to impose electronic money as a solution. This maneuver demonstrates the prioritization of the regime’s interests over the well-being and prosperity of the Cuban people. The current crisis, coupled with poverty levels, reinforces the government’s need to assert control, even at the expense of the economy.

A Political Agenda Disguised as Economic Measures:
The apparent economic, fiscal, and financial aspects of the banking system mask a hidden political agenda. From the Castroist perspective, modernizing totalitarianism is essential to maintain their power and suppress social discontent. The government’s desperate reliance on these measures, despite the potential risks and consequences, reveals a fearful and repressive regime.

As Castroism pushes forward with its banking project, manipulating and surveilling every Cuban citizen, it becomes a beacon of hope for those looking to awaken from this enduring nightmare. The regime’s desperation and impotence are becoming increasingly apparent, highlighting the need for change and a better future for the Cuban people.

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