Home Ā» The scale of my country’s artificial intelligence core industry exceeds 400 billion yuan – China Daily

The scale of my country’s artificial intelligence core industry exceeds 400 billion yuan – China Daily

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Original title: my country’s artificial intelligence core industry scale exceeds 400 billion yuan

On July 26, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a press conference on “Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry and Consolidating the Foundation of the Real Economy” to introduce the development of my country’s industry and informatization since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Ren Aiguang, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that it is estimated that the scale of my country’s artificial intelligence core industry exceeds 400 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises exceeds 3,000. Important breakthroughs were made in key core technologies such as smart chips and open source frameworks, and the innovation capabilities of iconic products such as smart chips, terminals, and robots continued to increase.

At the same time, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has been accelerated, cultivated and grown a number of typical enterprises of traditional industries + AI, promoted and applied a number of typical cases of intelligent upgrading, and formed new models and methods for the integration of AI and the real economy. In the field of intelligent manufacturing, the application of intelligent technology has greatly improved the efficiency of product testing and equipment utilization. In the field of smart medical care, smart technology can effectively reduce the work pressure of medical staff and improve the diagnostic accuracy and service convenience of medical equipment. At present, more than 40 Class III certificates for AI imaging medical devices have been approved in China.

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Artificial intelligence technology has become a strategic technology leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution. The innovative development of artificial intelligence, especially the integrated development with the real economy, plays an important role in promoting my country’s industrial upgrading and promoting high-quality economic development.

Ren Aiguang said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology focused on promoting the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy, and focused on three aspects of work.

The first is to promote technological innovation, take the artificial intelligence innovation task of “revealing the leaderboard” as the starting point, discover and cultivate excellent enterprises, compete to produce a batch of excellent products, and cooperate with the State Food and Drug Administration to carry out the special unveiling work of artificial intelligence medical devices, mobilize the industry resources and enthusiasm to build a R&D-industry-application “fast track”. Establish national manufacturing innovation centers such as smart sensors and smart connected vehicles, and strengthen the R&D and industrialization of common technologies. Encourage universities and enterprises to form a consortium to carry out collaborative innovation.

The second is to promote the implementation of enabling applications, approve the construction of 8 national AI innovation and application pilot zones, and cooperate with ministries and provinces to create AI innovation and development highlands. Strengthen the construction of industrial technology basic public service platforms, and continuously improve industrial service capabilities. Actively excavate and open up a number of application scenarios to promote the application and iteration of intelligent technology products by promoting research. Organize and carry out AI precision empowerment activities for small and medium-sized enterprises, and compile the “Catalogue of Supply and Demand of Artificial Intelligence Empowering Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Technology Products” to promote intelligent transformation.

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The third is to create an integrated industrial ecology, build a batch of 5G base stations, industrial Internet platforms, computing power centers and other information infrastructure, support the construction and opening of industry data sets, and consolidate the foundation for industrial development. Guide and encourage open source and open domestic development frameworks, and promote the establishment of an industrial ecosystem that integrates software and hardware and links upstream and downstream. Strengthen standard guidance, strengthen the construction of artificial intelligence standard system, organize the compilation of “Guidelines for the Construction of National Intelligent Manufacturing Standard System”, and release 30 national standards for intelligent manufacturing.

Ren Aiguang introduced that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will give full play to the role of the artificial intelligence pilot area, and accelerate the integration and application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, transportation, medical care, education, finance and other fields by means of “revealing the list and taking command”, and speeding up the development of new technologies. Demonstration and promotion of technology and new products.

[Editor in charge: Cai Donghai]

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