Home » The Urban Dictionary of Short Term and Long Term Furnished Rental Apartments in Singapore

The Urban Dictionary of Short Term and Long Term Furnished Rental Apartments in Singapore

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Have those moments when you focus on looking for short term and long term furnished rental apartments in Singapore, but you see a lot of languages you don’t understand?

Well, lucky for you, this article exists, and you won’t need to live in confusion any longer! This will be your one-stop urban dictionary for all the different lingo people use when discussing Singaporean rentals.

Let’s get started so you can get the most accurate information while searching.

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General Vocabulary

For the sake of being thorough, it would also be good to go over some general terminology as it relates to renting. Since everyone is learning about these concepts differently, I aim to keep this article accessible.


Simple enough, renting is when a landlord agrees to let a third party live on one of their properties. These are based on a system of monthly payments; generally speaking, you’ll only rent for short periods.


This is the contrast to renting. Functionally both are the same since a landlord is doing the same thing. But the difference is that leasing doesn’t operate on a month-to-month model. It is a long-term solution for those who aren’t traveling often and only need one place to stay.


This term covers your role and responsibilities in the renting or leasing agreement. For example, if there is a no-pets policy, you must respect it and not disregard it. Similarly, meeting all your monthly payments is another obligation.

Obligations from the landlords’ side vary but usually involve maintenance and other helpful work around the place.

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Proof of Immigration

Those looking to move from one country to another must carry this important document. Before finalizing anything, you must ensure you can legally stay in the country. This covers passports, employment letters and anything else that proves you can settle in.

Be mindful because, in Singapore’s case, the landlord is held personally responsible if something is amiss.

Funds Payable

It can refer to advance payment for one month’s rent. Alternatively, it could also be regarding a 2-3 months security deposit.

Good Faith Deposit

Serious buyers make it known that they are interested and have the funds. This is communicated to the landlord, but the money doesn’t go to the landlord. It’s set aside for when the agreement goes into effect.

SDD Seller’s Stamp Duty

This refers to a tax; it comes into effect if properties are sold within three years of purchase.

Tenancy Agreements

This is the official agreement between landlords and tenant(s). Where terms, expenses, obligations and protections are all communicated clearly for both parties. This legally binding contract can be upheld in a court of law.


These are the various facilities that will be available to the tenant. These will usually be activities like pools, gyms, BBQ pits, etc.

Some would also consider proximity to markets, offices, etc., a kind of amenity.

Letter of Intent (LOI)

This is a written document outlining the prospective tenant’s interest. This document needs to include some essential information. These points are rent amount, duration of stay, commencement date, and any other requests.

Please include all necessary necessities mentioned here—for example, working water taps, electric stoves, etc.

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Quiet Enjoyment / Exclusive Possession

This is a formal understanding that the tenant can reserve the right to send away unwanted people on the property.

Local Terminology

I did go over some general words and their place in Singapore’s rental conversations, but now we’ll look at terms specific to Singapore.

Air Con

This is the short form of Air Conditioner.


The Housing Development Board provides a lot of subsidized housing. The people who own those properties rent them out for competitive and affordable rates.

Level 1

This is the term used in Singapore for the ground floor.

Strata-Titled Housing

These are shared accommodation spaces. But this term is specifically for apartments with shared rooms.


This can refer to either a townhouse or semi-detached houses.

Black and Whites

A simple term for labelling colonial houses.


These are the affordable areas of Singapore occupied by working-class and middle-class Singapore citizens.

Land-titled Property

This is the kind of property that is within its land.

Pest Control

Standard service is provided to tenants who want a convenient solution for dealing with bugs and insects.


A specific form of pest control that targets mosquitoes. This fogging process releases pesticides.


Short form for negotiable.


And there you have the key terminology you should be acquainted with when leasing a residence in Singapore!

Now that you’re more informed on the language used to carry out these negotiations, you’ll no longer find yourself perplexed. Just keep this list handy and come back and check on and off.

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