Home » Tim, Labriola under pressure, but assist from the EU: the netco is worth a billion more

Tim, Labriola under pressure, but assist from the EU: the netco is worth a billion more

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Tim, Labriola under pressure, but assist from the EU: the netco is worth a billion more

Pietro Labriola, Arnaud De Puyafontaine, Stefano Donnarumma

Tim, Labriola under pressure

Felix The Cat

Pietro Labriola’s trip to Paris has two objectives: the first, more institutional, is to inform the French of Vivendi (Tim shareholders with 24% of the shares) on the two offers received so far for the purchase of the single network. On the one hand there is Kkr – with a slight advantage – on the other Cdp con Macquarie which, however, has the big problem of the green light Antitrust. The French, however, do not hear us at all and have no intention of give the ok to neither of the two proposals.

And therefore the journey to Paris it could also turn into a redde rationem in which Labriola is dismissed by the French who want to start a new course, as he has already announced in a not too veiled way Arnaud DePuyfontaine. What will the Apulian manager do? As far as Affaritaliani.it can report, Labriola would also be ready to return to the league Brazilwhere he drove for years Brazil Team. The manager, among other things, is married to a carioca and would not see returning home as a diminutio but rather as an opportunity to free himself from that blender he got into January of last year.

EU assists Tim: he can increase the price of wholesale services based on inflation. And the netco is worth a billion more

Green light from the European Commission to the AgCom resolution which revised upwards the regulated prices of wholesale access services to the copper networks of Tim for 2023. This is what is learned from sources close to the dossier. Last October, AgCom launched a public consultation for the definition of access prices to the Tim network (copper and fiber) for 2022-2023, with the aim of covering the period between the last year included in the previous ‘Analysis of market’, 2021, and the entry into force of the next one that the Authority should complete within the current year.

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According to what has been learned, the Commission, which the Authority had notified of the provision at the end of March, would have given the go-ahead for the adoption of the final resolution, while sending AgCom some findings on issues such as the failure to adjust prices also for the 2022 and the procedure to be followed in the future for updating the weighted average cost of capital (Wacc). Finally, a moral suasion would have arrived from the Commission to AgCom for more timely action in the revision of the prices of regulated services in order to ensure greater certainty for the whole market.

Finally, according to Bloomberg, Tim is waiting to receive new offers, improvements, on the network. We will see.

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