Home » Top salary, but without stress: Reddit discussion about work goes viral

Top salary, but without stress: Reddit discussion about work goes viral

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Top salary, but without stress: Reddit discussion about work goes viral

Tech workers are starting to panic about the impact of AI on the future of their jobs.

A Reddit user asked for advice on finding a $100,000 job that wasn’t stressful, and it went viral.

Thousands of Reddit users shared their jobs, from technical jobs to managerial positions.

Some Reddit users reported that they make over $100,000 and work less than 40 hours a week.

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A Redditor (user of the social media platform Reddit) asked for advice on how to make over $100,000 without getting overwhelmed by the stress, and the Contribution quickly went viral.

The post on the r/careerguidance subreddit generated over 6,800 replies on the platform and made the front page of the site on Thursday. The Redditor said that while he has a bachelor’s degree, he still makes less than $60,000 a year in a high-cost-of-living area.

“I’m constantly staying in the office until 7 or 8 p.m. and the stress and the paycheck are killing me,” wrote the Redditor, with the username SometimeTaken.

“I can’t stand this much longer”

Insider has been in touch with him but has not been able to verify his identity or the identity of any of the responses cited in the story. The Reddit poster stated that he currently works as a learning and development specialist at a non-profit company. Laut GlassDoor the average combined salary of a learning and development specialist is US$68,337 (€62,000) per year.

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User SometimeTaken wrote, “Who has a six figure job that doesn’t give them a stomach ulcer from the stress and responsibility? I can’t take it much longer.”

Several Reddit users encouraged the poster to abandon nonprofits: “Underpaid and overworked is my experience with this,” one user wrote in reference to nonprofits in a post that received over 1700 reviews.

Another Redditor reported that he moved from a big tech company to an environmental nonprofit and his salary dropped to around $140,000, but his “mental health improved dramatically.”

Several Redditors report taking on jobs that make more than $100,000 a year and require them to work less than 40 hours a week. One Redditor with the username BlueMountainDace said he works about 20 hours a week as a global campaign manager and makes about $125,000. GlassDoor appreciatesthat the average total salary of a global campaign manager is about $151,533 (138,000 euros).

“Sometimes I feel like a six figure slacker”

“I’ve just spent the last two hours watching ‘Boston Legal,'” wrote u/BlueMountainDace. “I had my 6 month evaluation and was told, ‘You are wonderful to work with and really talented.’ The only bad thing is that even though I work so little, they still think I work very fast, so I get a lot of new projects added to my list.”

Many Reddit users indicated that they work in the tech industry. Although tech giants like Microsoft, Google and Meta have in recent months severely affected by layoffs several posters said they’ve found that smaller companies are greedy for more workers.

One poster, u/BobcatRoyal, describing his role as a “code monkey,” said his job requires “less than 30 hours of actual ‘work'” per week, and fluctuates between short periods of 50 to 60 hour weeks and longer chunks of 15 up to 20 hour weeks. Other users posing as software engineers in the thread described a similar workload. In the US is the total salary of a software engineer laut GlassDoor at $107,362 (€98,000) per year.

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“Sometimes I feel like a six-figure slacker,” wrote user BobcatRoyal, “but even at my lowest productivity, the automated processes I develop serve tens of thousands of customers a day and bring the company millions and millions of dollars in revenue every year.” a”.

Another common response came from posters who reported working in project management positions. Laut GlassDoor the average salary for project managers in the US is around $85,028 (€77,000).

“I love project management,” wrote one Redditor, “I don’t have to do the hard work, I just have to let everyone else know what’s happening, why, and how we’re going to move forward or fix the problem.” It’s great for social people working remotely because I have a lot of meetings and can talk about strategy which always excites me. The salary cap is pretty high, and there’s not really a set way to get started.


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