Home » Toti, 30 under investigation for the maxi investigation in Liguria

Toti, 30 under investigation for the maxi investigation in Liguria

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Toti, 30 under investigation for the maxi investigation in Liguria

Maxi investigation in Liguria on Toti, 30 under investigation

On the one hand, there are transparent and reported donations to the governor’s committee Giovanni Totikey figure of the Liguria Region and supporter of the mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci. On the other hand, an intricate undergrowth of relationships and lobbying emerges, where those who donate seem to enjoy preferential treatment. There are already those who define it as the new Tangentopoli.

As he writes Qnthe number of investigated it rises to 30, since in addition to the main trend that sees Toti and the former president of the port authority Paolo Emilio Signorini accused of corruptionthe Genoa prosecutor’s office has opened collateral files hypothesizing illicit financing of parties.

It is no secret that Toti counted on influential and wealthy sponsors, as evidenced by sumptuous annual dinners at Villa dello Zerbino, owned by the prince Cesare Castelbarco Albaniwith a minimum cost of 450 euros per person.

Among the main financiers is the entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli, considered the alleged corruptor of the Ligurian governor and the former president of Porto. But he is not the only one in Toti’s orbit. Louis Alberto Amicohead of the family business Friend & Coemerged in the interceptions expressing the intention to support financially All in exchange for attention to company matters.

Also Pietro Colucciwell-known in the waste industry, is accused of illicit financing, with donations spread over the years to the governor’s Change committee, apparently linked to landfill interests. Maurizio Rossipublisher of Primocanale and former senator, is involved in the investigation as an alleged vehicle for funding coming from the administrator of long S Francesco Moncada.

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The wiretaps reveal conversations between naval entrepreneurs that highlight the widespread practice of financing politics, often in exchange for favors. For example, Augusto Cosulich discusses the financing with Aldo Spinelli, reiterating the presumed regularity of these practices.

The recent thirty-year concession of Terminal Rinfuse saw the group Spinelli make payments to Toti Committeeraising further questions about the ethics of political funding.

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