Home » Tourism, the president of Federalberghi: “Great difficulty in finding workers”. Even the supermarkets in trouble

Tourism, the president of Federalberghi: “Great difficulty in finding workers”. Even the supermarkets in trouble

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Tourism, the president of Federalberghi: “Great difficulty in finding workers”.  Even the supermarkets in trouble

MILANO – The accommodation facilities struggle to find staff in view of the tourist season. The alarm comes from the president of Federalberghi Bernabò Bocca: “These years have highlighted how important it is for our business to be able to count on valid, professionally competent and motivated collaborators. Unfortunately, today a phenomenon is added to the traditional problems of finding manpower. the removal of staff from our sector “, said Bocca in Parma, during his speech at the 72nd assembly of Italian hoteliers in the presence of Minister Massimo Garavaglia.

“It is – says Bocca – a phenomenon found also in other European countries and in the main tourist economies. The long period of stagnation, linked to the events of recent years, has pushed not only collaborators with fixed-term contracts, but also those with permanent contract, protected by social safety nets, to look around for another job “. “Many have found it in the public sector, others in other sectors, still others are still looking. This is a situation that worries us because the outflow of professionalism often formed by our companies runs the risk of draining the sector, depriving it of the sap that can ensure the relaunch of our activities “. And Bocca also puts the spotlight on citizenship income earners: “The time has come to get these people back to work”.

“Bring a friend to the company”. Bonus of up to € 5,000 to employees who find the right candidates for vacancies

by Valentina Conte

11 Maggio 2022

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And the tourism sector is not the only one to complain about difficulties in finding staff. In the last two years, 1 in 3 food distribution companies – especially supermarkets and convenience stores – has sought new staff, of which almost half (47%) encountered difficulties in finding the resources they needed, determining, for 42.2 %, also a negative impact on its revenues. This is what emerges from the 2022 Observatory on the food retail sector of Fida-Confcommercio (Italian Federation of Food Retailers).

Among the main causes of the difficulty in research, lack of personnel with the required skills or experience (64.1%), working hours considered heavy (40.2%), unattractive work tasks (31.3%). The professional figures most in demand and suffering from the shortage are: counter operators (68.1%), cashiers (58.5%), butchers (42.2%) and bookshelves (39.3%). While e-commerce and cleaners (2.2%) are the least requested.

“The strengthening of skills – declared the President of Fida-Confcommercio Donatella Prampolini – is the key to overcoming the serious problem of the lack of matching between supply and demand on the labor market. Greater synergy is needed between labor policies and policies. education and training with the aim of creating an integrated system of active policy tools and services that place the person and the development of their training and employment skills at the center. Only an adequate level of skills and knowledge – concludes Prampolini – it allows those looking for employment to be able to tackle new jobs and to approach existing ones in a different way “.

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