Home » Trading on the market heats up and it is expected that the market price of phosphoric acid will continue to rise in the short term. Phosphoric acid_Sina Finance_Sina Network

Trading on the market heats up and it is expected that the market price of phosphoric acid will continue to rise in the short term. Phosphoric acid_Sina Finance_Sina Network

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Trading on the market heats up and it is expected that the market price of phosphoric acid will continue to rise in the short term. Phosphoric acid_Sina Finance_Sina Network

Source: Jintou.com

1. Price Trend

According to the bulk data list of the business community, the average domestic market price of 85-content thermal phosphoric acid was 9,358 yuan/ton on September 12, and the average domestic 85-content thermal phosphoric acid market price was 10,320 yuan/ton on September 19. French phosphoric acid prices rose 10.28%.

2. Market analysis

The market price of phosphoric acid continued to rise this week. The price of raw material yellow phosphorus continued to strengthen, the cost continued to increase, and the phosphoric acid raw material was well supported. The rise in yellow phosphorus pushed the phosphoric acid market up sharply. As of September 19, the average domestic market price of 85-content thermal phosphoric acid was around 10,320 yuan/ton. The ex-factory price of 85-content thermal phosphoric acid in Sichuan is 10,200-11,000 yuan/ton, the ex-factory price of 85-content thermal phosphoric acid in Yunnan is around 10,300 yuan/ton, and the market price of 85-content thermal phosphoric acid in Hubei is around 10,200 yuan/ton. The market price of 85-content wet-process phosphoric acid in the region is around 9,600 yuan/ton.

In terms of raw material phosphate rock, the domestic market of medium and high-grade phosphate rock continued to run steadily this week. As of September 19, the reference price of phosphate rock was 1064.00. The supply of phosphate rock in the field is still tight, and the supply side continues to give the market some support. At present, the trading atmosphere in the phosphate rock field is mild, and the downstream purchases are mainly on demand.

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In terms of raw material yellow phosphorus, the market price of yellow phosphorus increased this week, continuing the rise of the Mid-Autumn Festival. At present, the market is trading well. The National Day holiday is approaching. The downstream stocking is more active, the spot is a little tight, and the yellow phosphorus enterprises are running smoothly. As of September 19, the mainstream price of yellow phosphorus in Yunnan is around 37,000 yuan/ton, the mainstream price of yellow phosphorus in Sichuan is around 37,000 yuan/ton, and the mainstream price of yellow phosphorus in Guizhou is around 36,500 yuan/ton.

3. Market outlook forecast

The phosphoric acid analyst of the business club believes that the phosphoric acid market has fluctuated higher recently due to the influence of the upstream market. Downstream inquiries increased, and intra-market trading heated up. Under the condition that the price of raw materials continues to rise, it is expected that the market price of phosphoric acid will continue to rise in the short term.

(Article source: Business Club)

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