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Ukraine: Greta Thunberg could not be missing (visibly stiff and with a little eye on Psycho)

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Ukraine: Greta Thunberg could not be missing (visibly stiff and with a little eye on Psycho)

Ukraine, could not miss… Greta Thunberg (photo Lapresse)

Ukraine: Greta Thunberg could not be missing, visibly stunned

On June 29, Greta Thunberg’s creepy face reappeared out of nowhere along with Zelensky’s. Honestly, the world was wondering in anguish where the ex-girlfriend had gone – now visibly stunned – who has built his and his family’s fortune on a radical-chic ecologism, centered on a hackneyed theme that however always attracts an audience: the fight against climate change, a theme that in reality was only a pretext for trimming new ecological products such as electric cars and similar to the most inexperienced consumers.

So it should come as no surprise that an opportunist like Greta did not miss the opportunity to appear together with the Ukrainian president, another communication expert. By now, however, the “Greta product” is no longer popular, it is worn out goods due to the fact that she has been everywhere and has taken photos and conferences with everyone. A Greta does not deny herself to anyone.

There hasn’t been a powerful state or even just a minister who hasn’t tried to snatch it due to its global impact on the drunk population who fanatically follows a little girl without any scientific knowledge but who pontificates on very complex issues, such as the non-linear differential equations that govern atmospheric physics phenomena. Indeed, one could say that the success that Greta Thunberg has had is the sign of the degradation of the times in which we find ourselves.

As Franco Prodi, an internationally renowned meteorologist and physicist, said, a possessed girl is more listened to than scientists. It is one of the effects of the “World upside down” which now dominates us and in which everything seems to have become the opposite. Thus, Greta’s presence in Kiev is certainly not an unexpected or unpredictable event; indeed, one wonders why the two have waited so long to kiss a bit in favor of cameras.

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Also present was a phantom “international working group on environmental crimes committed by Russia during the war”. A group that was actually very bolso and out of breath: present Margot Wallström, former deputy prime minister and former minister of foreign affairs of Sweden, Heidi Hautala, vice president of the European Parliament, Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland from 1990 to 1997”. In short, all “ex” who no longer count for a damn, if anything they counted for something once. All of it can be read directly in Zelensky’s channel on Telegram. The strong point was naturally centered on the aftermath of the Russian attack on the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric plant, which has something to do with the changes like Mickey Mouse in Duckburg.

Greta Thunberg, blinking eye a la Psycho

Despite this, the Ukrainian premier declared: “I am deeply grateful for the support we have received and for taking an unequivocal position: anyone who commits actions against people, nature and life itself must be held responsible. Every life destroyed, every fate shattered, every damage inflicted on the environment, cities and villages as a result of this ecocide is directly attributable to the Russian state,” Zelensky said.

Meanwhile Greta was activating the Psycho blinking eyehid behind a curtain and slowly pulled out his travel kitchen knife, all topped off with his famous third series summer horror movie smile.

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